6 Tips for an Effective Onboarding — Part 1

Jakub Szczepaniak
HeyJobs Tech
Published in
6 min readMar 19, 2024
Photo by Kaitlyn Baker on Unsplash


Effective onboarding for software engineers is crucial for fostering a productive and engaging work environment. When new engineers join the organization, they are often met with complex systems and processes that can be overwhelming. A well-structured onboarding program helps them to navigate through these challenges, ensuring a smoother transition into their roles. It not only equips them with the necessary technical knowledge and resources but also integrates them into the company’s culture. Effective onboarding sets the stage for long-term success by building a strong foundation of understanding and alignment with the organization’s goals. This process is vital in reducing ramp-up time, boosting confidence, and promoting a sense of belonging. Moreover, it has a direct impact on employee satisfaction, retention rates, and overall productivity. In the dynamic field of technology, where rapid changes and continuous learning are the norms, a robust onboarding experience is key to empowering engineers to contribute and grow within the organization. In the paragraphs below I want to give some tips that worked exceptionally well in the onboarding process at HeyJobs.

New software engineers often face a multitude of challenges when joining a tech organization, which can significantly impact both their personal performance and the broader dynamics of their teams. Initially, they may encounter difficulties in understanding the unique code base and architecture of the company’s projects, which can be vastly different from their previous experiences. This learning curve is steepened by the need to adapt to new development tools, processes, and team dynamics. Additionally, navigating the company culture and understanding the unwritten rules of the workplace can be daunting. These challenges can lead to a slower integration into the team, potentially causing delays in project timelines and affecting overall team productivity. Furthermore, if these issues are not addressed effectively through a robust onboarding process, it can lead to decreased morale and job satisfaction among new hires, increasing the likelihood of turnover and the associated costs of recruiting and training new staff. Therefore, addressing the challenges faced by new engineers is not only crucial for their individual success but also for the overall health and efficiency of the organization.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Tip 1: Access to Learning Resources

The provision of comprehensive learning resources is a cornerstone of effective onboarding for new software engineers. Access to these resources not only aids in familiarizing them with technical aspects of their job but also helps them to integrate into company culture and workflows.

One of the key aspects of providing learning resources is to recognize that learning styles vary significantly among individuals. Some engineers may prefer hands-on experience, while others might benefit more from reading documentation or watching tutorial videos. Resources like internal wikis, API documentation in Swagger, or best practices guidelines are invaluable for new engineers navigating their initial projects.

At HeyJobs, each new engineer receives a dedicated Onboarding Page on Confluence, where they have a list of available learning resources. Additionally, they are encouraged to add their own content so that future generations of engineers can also reference the experience of their predecessors.

Photo by Clément Hélardot on Unsplash

Tip 2: Prepare the Development Environment

There are two main strategies when it comes to preparing the development environment for the new joiner: setting up the environment ahead of time or allowing onboarding hires to configure their systems themselves.

The first strategy is aimed at ensuring that new engineers can hit the ground running. By having everything ready — from the necessary software and tools to access permissions — organizations can minimize the initial downtime and enable new hires to start contributing to projects more quickly. This approach is particularly beneficial for fast-paced environments where immediate productivity is critical. It also reduces the initial stress for the new employee, allowing them to focus on learning the code base rather than grappling with setup issues. However, a potential downside is that it might deprive the new engineer of the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the underlying infrastructure and systems they will be working with. This can become a hindrance in the future, especially when dealing with complex troubleshooting or system optimizations.

On the other hand, allowing new hires to configure their own development environments can be an effective learning exercise. It offers engineers a comprehensive understanding of the setup, including the intricacies of the tools and system they will be using. This hands-on approach can foster a greater sense of ownership and familiarity with the work environment. Engineers who set up their own environments are often better equipped to handle system-related issues independently. This method, however, can prolong the onboarding process and delay the time it takes for the new hire to contribute effectively to the projects. It can also be overwhelming for some, particularly for those less experienced or new to certain technologies, and potentially lead to frustration.

We have opted for the hybrid approach — while the environment is not set up already when they open their laptop for the first time, and so each engineer is able to fine-tune the details of their configuration, there is a shared environment setup process which is as easy as checking out the repository for GitHub and running make up. This command not only creates a standard environment for the developer, it also downloads the small set of dummy data that allows the user to interact with their own instance of the system in a meaningful way — there is no need to add dummy entities to the database, all of this is provided immediately.

The main advantage of such a process is speed — using this process we have reduced the time to onboard to the development environment from 2–3 days to less than 30 minutes. This then allows the new joiner to interact with the system from the day one, and also because the development environment is actually a set of scripts, engineers have a way to independently change and fine-tune their setup.

Tip 3: Select an Appropriate First Project

Selecting the right initial task for the new software engineering hires, such as bug fixes, plays a critical role in their successful integration with the system. This approach carries a significant role for several reasons. Firstly, engaging in bug fixes allows new engineers to dive directly into the code base, giving them a real-world sense of the system architecture and logic. This hands-on experience is invaluable as it goes beyond theoretical knowledge, providing a concrete understanding of how the system operates under different circumstances. It also introduces new hires to all core tools and processes defined in the Software Development Life Cycle — CI/CD tools, QA/staging environment, etc.

Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

Furthermore, bug fixes are often well-scoped, isolated problems, making them ideal starting points that are not overwhelmingly complex. This helps in gradually building the confidence of new hires as they navigate nuances of the code base. As they work through such tasks, they also learn organizations’ coding standards, and review processes and practices which is crucial for their future work.

Moreover, this method encourages active learning and problem-solving, fostering a sense of accomplishment early in the onboarding process. Successfully resolving bugs not only contributes to our product but also instills a feeling of being a valuable team member.

At HeyJobs we aim to have a ‘first task’ completed already in the 1st week from the start, and so the engineers in our team are empowered to contribute from day one.


However, our onboarding process does not stop here. We believe in continuous learning, nurturing growth, and fostering an environment where every team member feels supported and motivated. To that end, we have more insights to share, more strategies to discuss. Stay tuned for the second part of this series where we delve deeper into effective techniques for onboarding that we use in our team.

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