Enhancing Security: How HeyJobs Implemented OIDC to Fortify its CI/CD Pipeline

Manoj Bhagwat
HeyJobs Tech
Published in
4 min readJan 31, 2024


In the realm of software development, Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines have emerged as indispensable assets, facilitating the rapid and reliable deployment of features and products. As organizations embrace DevOps practices, CI/CD pipelines have become a cornerstone for streamlining the development-to-deployment lifecycle.

The adoption of cloud infrastructure has further amplified the significance of robust CI/CD pipelines. With applications running in the cloud, ensuring the secure and efficient deployment to cloud environments is imperative. This blog explores the pivotal role that CI/CD pipelines play in the modern DevOps landscape, particularly in the context of securing deployments to cloud environments. We will delve into how HeyJobs, a pioneering force in the talent platform industry, has fortified its CI/CD pipeline through the adoption of OpenID Connect (OIDC), ensuring a resilient and secure deployment process for its cloud-based applications.


Let me give you a bit of the historical context of HeyJobs’ CI/CD pipeline, the teams heavily relied on Circle CI as their primary tool for executing continuous integration and deployment workflows, deploying changes to the production environment multiple times a day.

The pipelines had been configured with static credentials for these deployments. However, a significant turning point occurred in January 2023 when CircleCI issued a security alert, urging users to promptly rotate any stored secrets in response to potential vulnerabilities (details available in the security alert here: https://circleci.com/blog/january-4-2023-security-alert/).

This alert acted as a wake-up call, emphasizing the risks associated with static credentials and compelling HeyJobs to reconsider their security practices.

Why OIDC for CI/CD Security?

  • Circle CI Support: Circle CI’s support for OpenID Connect (OIDC) played a decisive role in HeyJobs’ choice, ensuring compatibility with their existing CI/CD infrastructure.
  • Dynamic Credentials: OIDC offers a more secure option by utilizing dynamic credentials, which are short-lived. This contrasts with the previously employed static credentials, reducing the window of vulnerability and enhancing overall security.
  • Enhanced Auditability: OIDC’s token-based authentication enables enhanced auditability, allowing HeyJobs to track and monitor user access and actions within the CI/CD pipeline. This contributes to improved visibility and accountability.
  • Scalability: As HeyJobs continues to scale its operations, OIDC provides a scalable solution for managing authentication and authorization, accommodating the evolving needs of a growing organization without compromising security.
  • Token-Based Authorization: OIDC’s token-based approach to authorization allows for fine-grained control over access rights. This facilitates the implementation of a least privilege principle, limiting access to only what is necessary for each user or component.

Solution Workflow


  • Terraform Module Creation: We took a proactive approach by developing a Terraform module dedicated to implementing OIDC. This module, designed for repetitive use across multiple environments, standardized OIDC integration, ensuring consistency and reliability in its deployment.
  • Pipeline Workflow Update: The CI/CD pipeline workflow underwent a crucial update to seamlessly incorporate dynamic credentials provided by OIDC. This adjustment marked a fundamental shift from the previous static credential-based approach to a more secure and dynamic authentication mechanism.
  • Review and Approval Process: To maintain transparency and adhere to best practices, the team subjected the updated deployment workflows to a rigorous review and approval process. Repository owners, who play a critical role in overseeing the codebase, provided their insights and approvals, ensuring a collaborative and secure implementation.
  • Decommissioning of Static Credentials: As a critical step towards enhancing security, HeyJobs proceeded with the decommissioning of static credentials. This phase involved removing and deactivating any existing static credentials within the CI/CD pipeline, thereby eliminating potential security vulnerabilities associated with their usage.
  • Confluence Documentation: Also we had done a quick one-pager writeup on this topic so that in the future teams will be autonomous to adopt this for new services

Benefits and Impact

  • Enhanced Security Posture
  • Standardization and Consistency
  • Improved Collaboration and Transparency
  • Operational Efficiency
  • Future-Proofing and Scalability


In a nutshell, HeyJobs revamped its CI/CD game by embracing OpenID Connect (OIDC). We ditched the old static credentials for dynamic tokens, amping up security. Thanks to a standardized Terraform module, things are consistent across the board. We streamlined ops by kicking static credentials to the curb, letting us focus on the good stuff. This move isn’t just about today — it’s our way of gearing up for whatever tech adventures tomorrow throws at us! 🚀✨

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Manoj Bhagwat
HeyJobs Tech

Trying new things. Breaking stuff. Likes open source | DevOps | Find me on LinkedIn 🔎. https://www.linkedin.com/in/manoj-bhagwat-73045082/