From Pakistan to Germany: A Rubyist's Journey to Euruko 2023

Muhammad Arsalan Fayyaz
HeyJobs Tech
Published in
4 min readDec 14, 2023


Hello! As a Backend Software Engineer, my professional path began in Pakistan and has now brought me to Germany. This journey, originating in Pakistan’s burgeoning tech scene, led me to the more mature tech landscape of Germany. My relocation opened up a world of new experiences, the highlight being my attendance at Euruko 2023, a prestigious Ruby conference.

The Transition

The move from Pakistan to Germany was a significant shift, transcending mere geography. It marked my entry into an advanced tech culture, brimming with opportunities for learning and networking. Though the transition brought its challenges, it was a journey rich in lessons and insights, significantly shaping my professional development.

Boarding flight to Germany from Pakistan

Euruko 2023 — The Experience

Euruko 2023, hosted in Vilnius, Lithuania, was a gathering point for Ruby enthusiasts worldwide. For me, it was an opportunity to engage with the leading minds in Ruby development, enhancing my knowledge and broadening my professional network.

Group Photo captured by Euruko 2023 photographers

Key Learnings and Insights

Euruko 2023 was replete with enlightening talks. I was fortunate to attend several outstanding sessions, each offering unique perspectives and valuable knowledge. Here are some of the highlights that particularly resonated with me:

Reflections on a Reluctant Revolution by Steven Baker:

A pioneer in developing RSpec, Steven Baker shared his insights on evolving programming methodologies. His reflections shed light on the transformative impact these methodologies have on modern development.

A Beginner’s Complete Guide to Microcontroller Programming with Ruby by Hitoshi Hasumi:

Pre talk preparations

Hasumi’s session delved into the application of Ruby in microcontroller programming, demonstrating the language’s adaptability and practical utility.

Generate Anonymised Database with Masking by Chikahiro Tokoro:

Tokoro’s talk focused on the crucial aspect of database anonymization in the GDPR era, offering actionable Ruby-based solutions.

Chikahiro Tokoro talk — photograph by Euruko 2023

Ask Your Code by Scott Chacon:

As a GitHub co-founder, Scott Chacon emphasized the importance of understanding the ‘why’ behind our coding practices, encouraging innovation and critical thinking.

Scott Chacon — photograph by Euruko 2023

Reading RSpec — a journey of meta-programming by Masafumi Okura:

Okura’s session provided an in-depth exploration of RSpec and meta-programming, highlighting ways to enhance testing efficiency in Ruby.

Steven, Just let_it_be. A Guide to Improve your RSpec Performance by Daniel Susveila:

This practical talk focused on boosting RSpec performance, sharing techniques for efficient testing.

Build Rails App 10x Faster:

This session offered a wealth of strategies and practices for accelerating Rails app development, emphasizing productivity.

The Impact on My Professional Growth

Attending Euruko 2023 catalyzed my professional growth, expanding my Ruby expertise and igniting a drive to explore new technologies and methodologies. The conference inspired me to apply these learnings in my work and innovate.

Sharing Knowledge

I’m passionate about contributing to community-driven learning. I aim to share the insights from Euruko 2023 with my team and the wider community, hoping to inspire and motivate others as I was.


Euruko 2023 was more than a learning platform; it was an opportunity to become part of a community shaping Ruby’s future. The conference reinforced the importance of continuous learning and the value of community engagement.


I encourage you to seek out similar learning opportunities. Engage in the tech community, share your experiences, and join discussions. Feel free to share your thoughts or questions about Ruby, tech conferences, or my journey in the comments below.

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