Libraries Get a Makeover

Published in
3 min readMay 29, 2017

At some point in the very near future, you are going to need to look smart and/or interesting in a social setting. The sexy new library pages and featured groups we’re launching today won’t do that for you, so here are a few facts for that express purpose:

  • Researchers have calculated that the average cumulus cloud — which is that nice, white fluffy kind you see on a sunny day — weighs an incredible 500,000 kg (or 1.1 million pounds!).
  • It only takes a couple water balloons to stop a bullet, even from a rifle!
  • A human male will produce about 525 billion sperm in his lifetime. That’s ~5 times the number of people who have ever lived! No more guilt crying about potential children lost!
  • Speaking of tiny Josh’s… Preformationism is a formerly-popular theory that organisms develop from miniature versions of themselves. Imagine a tiny little man piloting a sperm cell mech. That’s the kind of world I want to live in.
  • If you, hypothetically, drilled a hole through the center of the Earth and jumped in, it would take about 42 minutes to reach the other side.
Now that you’re terribly smart and interesting, let’s talk about the new library!

A fresh new look

With the new libraries, we’re introducing a whole new layout and two new views for that layout, grid view and list view. We’ve also introduced the long overdue search functionality and some convenient bulk updating tools.

The grid view is our new default and it’s made for sharing. When you’re linking your library to your friends, you might as well treat them to something visually appealing rather than the equivalent of an excel sheet. Be a good friend.

The List View is made for quickly and easily scanning and managing your library. Clicking those cute little checkboxes will enable bulk updating — for when spring cleaning comes around.

Lastly, clicking the edit button will trigger a modal for you to view or update the finer details of a Library entry.

Featured Groups

Ah, groups — sanctuary to just about every lewd interest you can imagine. Unfortunately, the high activity seen on the lewd groups has pushed nearly everything else out of the picture. With this update, we’ll be featuring groups that we think the community should know about due to their sheer ass-kickery.

That’s it! On the next episode we’ll explore the many reasons why Australia is a terrifying death trap, oh, and maybe some Kitsu stuff too!



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If my Mom asks, tell her I’m a mature adult now.