How a local Brewery uses chatbots to fill tables with beer lovers (… and 320% ROI in 4 weeks)

Jagdish Repaswal
Published in
5 min readDec 3, 2018

BrewPub’s 4-Step Restaurant Chatbot Strategy

Campaign Objective:

Driving engagement and footfall with messenger marketing

Takamaka is an elegant brewpub/restaurant in Gurgaon, India which is known for its excellence in German beer, exotic cocktails, and world cuisine. The restaurant has a luxury cruise ship ambiance, giving the diner a one of a kind cruise experience on land.

Takamaka’s objective was to target residences in the surrounding areas and give them a solid incentive to come into the restaurant. Furthermore, they wanted to engage and expand their Facebook audience through interactive social media marketing.


70,042 People reached. (70% organic), 512 New contacts generated in 4 weeks, 320% Return on Investment on Ad spend

How we did it?

Chatbot enabled Facebook and Messenger Marketing

TakaMaka partnered up with HeyMojo to drive sales by increasing walk-ins while actively engaging and expanding their Facebook audience.

1 Contests

The team developed interactive campaigns using HeyMojo’s platform, which consisted of a strong retargeting strategy.

A post on Takamaka’s Facebook wall with interactive GIFs and quizzes asked users to comment with the correct answer.

Interactive campaign and contest to engage users

The team ran 3 campaigns in 4 weeks which turned viral as users tagged their Facebook friends who ended up participating too.

95 users used the referral feature, which allows users to refer the contest to their friends, encouraging them to opt-in; this feature can also be used to recommend the restaurant, their food or beverage etc.

Result of contests

In total, the contests ended up generating 230 new customers. These new customers were segregated into different groups automatically, based on their interests and retargeted with personalized offers, promotions, contest invitations, and event information.

This was done using the tags feature, sorting out users in different groups by assigning a unique tag to each user group.

2 Tent Cards & Thank you Cards

The team designed tent cards which were placed on every table, consisting of a QR code which the customers had to scan using their phones to unlock a discount coupon. The tent card design was clear and vibrant, resonating with the brand’s colors.

The thank you cards were given out with each bill copy to the customer, which also consisted of a QR code and an offer.

The cards objective was to thank the customer for dining in with the restaurant, adding a sophisticated touch to the overall dining experience. In all, the goal was to create a repeat customer, who eventually becomes brand loyal.

Thank you cards and tent cards for tables to get customers to unlock discounts

3 Facebook Ads

Birthday Ads: The offer is this Ad is a free pitcher for customers during the week of their birthday. The offer will be redeemed through Facebook Messenger, as once the user clicks on the Ad — the chatbot will send an automated response, asking the user to opt-in to receive the offer code.

The user would have to show the offer code in their live messenger chat at the restaurant to avail their offer.

The Ad creative was simple and eye-catching, with very little text in the ad creative adhering to Facebook’s Ad guidelines. The beer pitcher was designed to stand out with a clear background. The Ad copy was very clear on how to get the free beer pitcher.

Birthday Ad to get people to comment and signup to avail offer

The targeting consisted of individuals within city limits, with relevant interests, who had their birthdays in the upcoming month. We spent $68 and got 282 customers who opted-in. The Ad had 663 link clicks with an average cost per result of only $0.11.

Several reminders were set up using the Sequence feature. Users who opted-in were sent follow up messages, prompting them to use their birthday offer before it expires..

4 Messenger Conversation after user clicks on ‘GET OFFER’ button in the Ad.

Conversation flow to book table in chatbot and claim offers

Product features used

HeyMojo product features for marketing, customer loyalty, retargeting and promotions


Customers opt-in to receive offers, promotions, announcements & coupons

Autoreply to Facebook Comments

Automatically on-board customers through Facebook posts. Boost engagement when you run a promotion/contest the next time.


Set rules to auto incentivize customers on their first order and afterwards.


Send offers, discounts & coupons. Narrow down on customers who ordered, didn’t order, remain inactive, engaged in contests, etc.


User specific coupons redeemable on offline & online orders

Messenger Ref URL

Short links to initiate chatbot conversation

Restaurant Chatbot Strategy Results

It’s incredibly important to track your results to find out how much your restaurant chatbot strategy is bringing into your restaurant and see how you can continue investing to get your ads in front of similar audiences.

Since the end of August, HeyMojo has generated $4156.30 (ROI: 320%) in total sales for their client TakaMaka just through a simple 4-step messenger chatbot strategy and built up a subscriber list of 512 users.

The best part of this strategy is its digital, trackable, and redeemable nature — and it’s just the tip of the iceberg of what’s possible with Messenger Marketing!

About HeyMojo

Heymojo helps restaurants build a personal, profitable and lasting relationship with their customers.

Leveraging the power of Machine Learning and data science, restaurant customers receive a truly personalized experience, thereby significantly increasing customer loyalty.

Restaurant owners can increase ROI by over 300% on marketing campaigns through Heymojo, while reducing cost through optimizing operations.

Restaurant owners can increase ROI by over 300% on marketing campaigns through Heymojo, while reducing cost through optimizing operations.

How can you use this in your own clients’ business? Contact us to learn more



Jagdish Repaswal

CEO of, Experimenting with ideas, Passionate about SaaS businesses, children’s education, Learner for Life