We’re having a blast at HeyNearby!

HeyNearby Team
Published in
2 min readApr 27, 2017

What is a blast?

That was always one of our first questions for our test users after giving them some time to play with HeyNearby’s app. We were curious. We had spent the previous year iterating on our product. Proposed features had come and gone, but what always resonated with merchants and users was this notion of a “blast” — some way for merchants to share anything they wanted with their customers or, if they wished, the community at large.

No more cluttered inboxes. No more Facebook posts mingled with pictures of your friends on vacation. No more paper coupons. Just updates, deals, coupons, and upcoming events from local merchants in one place — HeyNearby.

Facebook has its posts. Twitter its tweets. And everyone get tons of spammy email.

With HeyNearby, you’re free to browse any nearby blasts by simply opening the app. Search with specific keywords or names. Ot let the blasts find you by favoriting your favorite merchants and their specific blasts will show up as new messages in your conversations with them.

So how does one make a blast?

There are just 3 components. (You can even edit or republish a past blast.)

  1. Upload an eye-catching photograph.
  2. Create an exciting or straightforward headline.
  3. Type in a free-text description to share anything you want: product descriptions, expiration dates, prices, and fine print.

How are blasts better?

  • Completely opt-in. Favorite a merchant and you’ll receive their blasts. Too many or not relevant anymore? Just un-favorite them. No hard feelings. It’s a merchant’s job to make sure their blasts are relevant and appealing with just the right frequency.
  • Timely. Merchants can send them out at anytime. Last-minute specials that expire that day. Sales that start the day after Christmas. Reminders for events this coming weekend.
  • Singular purpose. Blasts are from local businesses for local customers. They’re not competing with President Trump’s tweets or that cool friend’s Instagram photos or your work emails.
  • Efficiency. Customers love the search and sorting capability in HeyNearby. They can search for a specific merchant or something as general as “sushi” or “smog check.” Or they can browse blasts from shops or restaurants.
  • Flexible. A blast can be an evergreen coupon. Or a flash sale for only a few hours or “while supplies last.” It can announce important news (new brand, new product, new chef) or an upcoming event (anniversary celebration, trunk show). It can be anything that you want customers to know about. :]

There’s more to blasts than just this. Try sending one. It’s super easy. Our merchants are discovering what works, what resonates, and what drives engagement and business from their specific customers.

As always, just ask us if you have questions. You can message us in the app.

We’ll share more soon!

