Complex Environments

Health FX
2 min readJun 5, 2018


Today’s healthcare systems are extremely complex and individually identifying the best possible care options between and within the vast government and private providers continues to increase in difficulty.

“America’s health care system is neither healthy, caring, nor a system.”
― Walter Cronkite

The chart below displays the bewildering array of new U.S. government agencies, regulations and mandates that do little to simplify the complexity of powerful healthcare silos. Increasing legal and regulatory demand is resulting in similar complexities throughout Asia and other regions worldwide.

Around the world, online review sites and social media platforms have become important sources of reputational information for healthcare providers — especially among younger, well-educated patients and potential employees. This is equally true for Europe, the U.S., and many emerging economies. More than a third of the Indian population, for example, use the Internet to search for health information, with similar percentages of younger, more educated people seeking health information online in Brazil, Mexico, and China.[1]

“The consumer impact of complexity in current healthcare systems is extended suffering and uncertainty of the best available options.”
― Vipula Samarakoon, CTO Health FX

To solve the challenge of these complex environments, Health FX will extend its deep experience in medical treatment coordination to launch a blockchain enabled platform. Connecting a global network of healthcare professionals that are matched precisely through advanced Machine Learning A.I. with consumers based on their specific conditions, the platform will provide both in-time validations, predictions and decision-making capabilities.

[1] Bain & Company, Health Care 2020

