Submitting to HH Design

Chen Ye
HH Design
Published in
3 min readDec 31, 2015

Hey there! Thanks for writing with us!


Send us a short email at about what you’d like to write. If the piece is already on Medium, or elsewhere on the internet, link it to us.

We’ll add you as a writer to the publication, and get back to you, in 0–2 days (follow up if we don’t!). You’ll be able to submit by tapping the ellipses on the top-right:

And clicking “Add to publication”:

The piece will go through an editorial review. Once complete, it’ll be added to the HH Design publication!


To keep things tidy, we ask for the following things:


Please include this footer at the tail end of your article (you can copy and paste):

HH Design is a community around design in the context of technology.



We use tags to organize posts on the publication page itself, like this:

To facilitate this, we ask that you use at least one of the following tags when publishing, if they are relevant:

As our content categories grow, this list may change.


We ask that when you address comments left during the editorial process, you don’t delete the comments, but instead comment that they are ‘resolved’. This helps us figure out which parts of the piece we need to re-review.

What to write about?

If you already have an idea, you should be set! Otherwise, here’s a short list of things we usually like to see (with examples linked):

  • Tutorials, Resources, and Guides — The community needs these. We’d love to host anything you’d like to contribute.
    Particularly underserved gaps: design thinking for beginners, UX for developers, prototyping and user research, hackathons for designers, frontend for designers.
  • Workflows and Processes — Both long-term projects and hackathon sprints are welcome here.
  • Design Commentary — Notice something in the news that catches your eye? Always enjoy/dislike this facet of how your favorite app/site/physical object/institution is designed? We’d love to hear your thoughts.
  • Your Story — How did you get into design? There are probably thousands of other people trying to figure out the same thing.

Of course, this list is non-comprehensive. We’d love to hear any other ideas you have!

Good luck writing!

— the HH Design Staff

HH Design is a community around design in the context of technology.




Chen Ye
HH Design

Builds; explores worlds when not distracted by cats. SpaceX Design. Ex-@FacebookDesign, @IBMWatson, @Microsoft, @hackatbrown. Brown ’17.5