Tilda vs Frontend: 6 most common myths about the builder

Sonya Cherepakhina
Published in
5 min readMar 22, 2022

It happens: a customer needs a landing page as early as yesterday. You don’t want to reach a frontender — it takes a long time, it’s expensive, the designer won’t like the indents, and the whole task will turn into endless approvals.

Hi, my name is Sonya, I am a UX/UI designer at hh.ru. In this article we dissect popular myths about website builder and tell if you can make a cool website on Tilda and why it’s more reasonable than it may seem.

This article has a video version for those who want to see the Tilda tricks in action.

Myth 1: Tilda has limited functionality, and yet, using builder is unimpressive

A few years ago, Tilda could be used to put together a simple and mediocre “like everyone else” landing page. But now it can be a perfect tool for a variety of tasks, especially in marketing. The project is being developed in both directions: technically and aesthetically. Earlier, Tilda was used mainly by small businesses and individual entrepreneurs, today even large players are not afraid to use the service.

Myth 2: Setting up, adjusting, and transferring elements to Tilda is long and troublesome. The frontend is the real deal!

Not really. It used to take a couple of weeks to create a well-working frontend — it required a designer, a frontender and a tester. The work turned into a constant review and coordination: wrong indentation, wrong understanding of each other. Now you can forget about that.

Today you can import design layer by layers into your code in two clicks. Fonts, SVG pictures, buttons. Everything will be on the grid, without measuring the indentation between elements. Forget about catching the designer’s strikes: “Everything’s screwed up”.

Now you can import the design from Figma directly into Tilda. All that remains is to finalize the adaptivity and insert links and buttons. That’s it — ready to go!

Copy the link to a particular frame in Figma. Open the “Import” tab in the zero-block, paste the link and wait. The smaller the original frame, the faster it is imported. So it’s better to divide a large frame into parts — it’s faster and more reliable.

Your landing page is on Tilda. You’re amazing!

Myth 3: Tilda is static, and I need animation and micro-interactions

Tilda has a lot of different animation effects from simple to complex, like Step-by-Step Animation, parallax on scrolling and mouse movement, and various element appearing effects.

Step-by-Step Animation allows you to adjust the position of an object under certain conditions and activate it depending on the preset parameters: the element appears on the screen when you scroll, click, and navigate.

The Step-by-Step Animation setup looks like this: activate the animation when the item appears on the screen. Set the parameters, position, scale, steps. Apply to the required elements and look at a winking eye.

Myth 4: The builder will not cope with Lottie-animation

It’s easy to build lottie animation into Tilda, too. A lifehack of the year: you need to export the animation from After Effects to JSON. Add a little code to Tilda, and it will work. And lottie doesn’t slow down and works great on all devices.

Create animation in After Effects with editor built-in tools. Convert it to JSON format by using the Bodymovin extension. Open the lottie site and import JSON. It works!

Now we set the necessary parameters: height, width, turn off the Control panel. Copy our code and move to Tilda. Open the zeroblock and insert this code through a special html element. Place it where necessary, save it, publish it and enjoy the animation.

Myth 5: Everything is doomed without skills and a designer

Also, no. Tilda has more than 140 different blocks on all occasions. And you can easily customize them to fit your brandbook — no one will know it’s Tilda without peeking into the code.

The advantage of pre-made blocks is that they are easy to edit and scale. Tilda has a very handy admin panel — you don’t have to call a frontender every time you want to add or change a block. Also, you can create templates with a different set of unique blocks for your product and brand managers — a kind of design system in Tilda to meet your needs. They can easily assemble their pages without involving you.

Myth 6: I need SEO-optimization, as well as tags and events to gather statistics. The soulless builder can’t do that

Yes it can! And it’s easy, too: Tilda has internal statistics, and you can also connect Google Analytics and Yandex.Metrika. Each button generates its own event link, which is added to the analytics. Thanks to the tag manager, your analyst doesn’t need to go into the website code at all.

In conclusion

Tilda is not as basic as we used to think. It is possible to create a working project that includes design, adaptivity and animation in two or three days. And with the money saved, you can buy a PlayStation or a couple of monitors to your frontender to watch our channel on YouTube :)

