How to run Bumblebee in a Docker Container

Argenis Leon
Published in
1 min readJan 21, 2020

With docker, everything is easier. We just need to have docker and pull the Bumblebee image.

First, you need Docker installed and then pull the Bumblebee docker image using:

docker pull hiprimus/bumblebee:latest

Then execute the following command line with our environment variables.

If you’re using a remote server you can use:

docker run --name <NAME> --network="host" -e ADDRESS=<IP> hiprimus/bumblebee:latest

Or from your local machine:

docker run --name <NAME> -p 3000:3000 -p 4000:4000 -e ADDRESS=localhost hiprimus/bumblebee:latest

On <NAME> you can use any name you want for your environment and on <IP> you must input the public IP address of your server. Remember to open ports 3000 and 4000 on your host.

In your browser go to


<IP> is your external IP address.

Or from your local machine:


After that click in sign up to Bumblebeeand create a user with the credentials you prefer.

If you need a detailed step by step guide to install Bumblebee without Docker please go to:

If you have any problems, we are always willing to help in our slack channel.

