How to Cope with End of School Year Tutoring Sessions

Elizabeth Turner
Published in
2 min readJun 14, 2016

As tutors, often your busiest time of the year is at the end of the school year. As teachers and students are nearing the end, you’re just beginning. Students are frantically trying to set up study sessions with you and you’re trying to juggle your calendar and figure out how to meet with all your students. Enjoy this fun little article and know that we’re rooting for you in these final weeks of the school year!

1. Lots of coffee (or caffeine of choice)

You’re probably working late and long hours fitting every student into every spare moment you can find. Caffeine is your friend this time of year.

2. Eat well

While caffeine will keep you going for awhile, it’s important to eat well to keep your body running smoothly during this busy time.

3. Remember to breathe

You may have students coming to you completely lost and unsure of where to begin studying. We’re so appreciative of your patience with your students during these stressful times. But remember to breathe.

4. Distractions

It’s important during stressful times to allow some healthy distractions. Whether that’s going for a run, watching your favorite TV show, or reading a book, give yourself time away from tutoring to recharge before your next session!

5. Take time for yourself

When all is said and done, take some time for yourself and put yourself first for once! Your students are now through final exams and onto their summer plans. (Some of which may include studying with you!) You deserve a break.

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Elizabeth Turner
Writer for

Cold Brew Drinker. Musician. Nonprofit Enthusiast. Character in Pirates of the Caribbean.