How to Gently Ease Into The New School Year

Published in
2 min readAug 4, 2016

I know, I know. I don’t want to be talking about this either. But it’s that time of year again. And whether or not your tutoring business is affected by the traditional school year, there’s still a lingering Back to School feeling. Here’s a few tips for getting back into the groove, gently.

Plan Ahead

This seems like a no-brainer, but if you can do one little activity each day leading up to First Day, you’ll have much less stress to contend with on the night before. For example, reach out to your students, get a regular session on the books with them now that fits in with their new school schedule.

Treat Yourself

This might mean getting pampered at a spa, splurging on a new pair of cowboy boots, or simply allowing yourself one day to lie very still in bed all alone. Make sure you do something indulgent.

Get Away

OK so this is kinda similar to treating yourself, but since you’ll likely be too busy to go anywhere but work and home and work again for a few weeks, you should try and get in any weekend trips to Napa Valley in now! No plans to travel? Take a day to explore part of your neighborhood you’ve been meaning to go to but never do. Even a tiny getaway is a helpful retreat.

Buy new supplies

Yes, just like when you were a kid. This is the time to invest in tools to make your school year run as smoothly as possible, ya know, kinda like Clark does ;). Buying new gear — even something simple like a day planner — can help get you amped for the new school year.

Take a deep breath

Everything is gonna be fine! This isn’t your first rodeo, and if it is — you’ll do great. Think about all the exciting things in store for you this year. Plus, $$$.

Good Luck!

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