It’s About Community

Sam Gimbel
Published in
2 min readOct 4, 2016

Highlights from Day 1 of National Tutoring Week

We believe in educators outside the classroom. That much should be obvious. So when we launched Clark yesterday on the first day of National Tutoring Week, we were very excited and hoped you would be too. You warmed our hearts with your outpouring of support, articles, tweets, and sign-ups. In one day, the number of tutors using Clark tripled, and we still have four days of #NationalTutoringWeek left!

Yesterday’s reception solidified something we’ve always known: education happens because of community. Educators are our superstars, but they’re supported by administrators, parents, past students, technologists, and so, so many others. It’s these communities forming around the success of a single child that provide us with the hope and momentum we need to facilitate a better tomorrow. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to do so.

Here are some highlights of your support:

amNY ran an article profiling Megan O'Connor, CEO & Co-Founder

THE Journal interviewed Sam Gimbel, CPO & Co-Founder

We were mentioned in ChalkBeat

We received some amazing Twitter love

From everyone here at Clark, thank you. But we’re only on day two! As a reminder, you can get involved by referring tutors to Clarkall tutors who sign up this week will receive a month of service completely free. We also invite you to follow us on Twitter and give us a like on Facebook. Thanks for supporting Clark and happy #NationalTutoringWeek!

