Kit Newsletter — October 2019

Alex Byrne
Hi Kit
Published in
3 min readNov 12, 2019

We published a new blog post on how Kit can help you increase sales — just in time for Black Friday Cyber Monday. Here’s a preview.

Wondering how to use social media ads to get sales?

Hint: stop focusing (only) on sales, and start looking at your audiences

When evaluating social media ads, it can feel counterintuitive to consider anything other than “is it driving sales?” But without a quality audience to serve your ads to, you’re less likely to make those sales. This can be frustrating…and expensive.

Sales are the ultimate goal. The first step to reaching that goal is to focus on building your audience.

“I don’t care about audiences, I care about sales!”

These two things are closely related. To generate sales you need a targeted audience of shoppers that visit your online store. And before they can visit your store, they need to know about your store.

If you run an ad and it doesn’t generate sales but does generate visitors to your online store, the ad is still working. It’s helping you build your audience of potential customers.

The better your audience, the better you can target ads to them, and the higher your chance for sales. One of the most powerful audiences to use is a lookalike audience.

What’s a lookalike audience, and why do I want one?

Lookalike audiences provide a way for your ads to reach new, better qualified potential buyers who are likely to be interested in your brand. Ads that use them see higher conversion rates.

Read the full article on Kit’s official blog.

BFCM Webinars

The Kit team wants you to be fully prepared for the busiest weeks in the retail calendar. To help, we are launching a free, live webinar including everything you need to consider as we approach this exciting time together.

During this interactive webinar you will learn how to get ready for BFCM, including:

  • Preparing your inventory
  • Optimizing your site
  • Developing your marketing strategy
  • Tracking your performance
  • Reviewing your campaign

Register in GMT, ET or PT:

Merchant Spotlight: Kristina Benson Art

Kristina has been creating art by hand and printing it onto leggings and yoga clothing with Shopify since 2016. She’s been using Kit for most of that time.

If it wasn’t for Kit and its retargeting recommendations, I would absolutely not have as many sales as I do! Kit is so easy to use. I highly recommend it.

Tell us how you use Kit. Share your story for a chance to be featured in our next merchant spotlight!

Planned Kit Maintenance

Please note that Kit will be unavailable on Sunday, October 27, 2019 between 6:00 am and 6:00 pm PT.

Your success is important to us. That’s why we’re always improving Kit to help you build your business.

On a few upcoming occasions Kit will be temporarily unavailable for scheduled maintenance. To make this as easy as possible for you, we’ll always give you advance notice.

If you have any questions, please contact the Kit support team at

Learn more about Kit

Shopify Ping: The best way to work with Kit

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Shopify Ping is the best way to work with Kit

Rich ad previews, more insights on recommendations, and better tools to help you get more done with Kit. Shopify Ping is free for all merchants.

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