My two new Skills will help you maximize your email marketing

High value touch points are easier to manage when you let me help

Hi Kit
2 min readNov 2, 2017


While social media marketing continues to grow in importance and popularity, email marketing remains a crucial — and free — way to distribute information and connect with your customers and potential customers. With my two new skills, I’ll help you build your email lists (and prevent cart abandonment while we’re at it) and then help you upsell products in great-looking customized emails.

Better Coupon Box can help build email lists

Build those email lists

Better Coupon Box is a free app for creating pop ups on your site. Welcome popups help build your email list and social followers, while exit intent popups help prevent cart abandonment and convert bouncing visitors into paying customers. Both of these are best practices for your online store marketing strategy.

When you connect me with Better Coupon Box, I’ll remind you if you don’t have an active popup. Just say “yes” to turn one on. I’ll also proactively message you before major holidays to automate switching your popup to a holiday theme and then automatically switch it back post-holiday. Easy, right?

Spently can turn every communication into a sales opportunity

Then, use every touchpoint to your advantage

Every point of contact you have with your customers is an opportunity to upsell and build loyalty.

Spently will customize all of your Shopify notification emails (like order confirmations, shipping confirmations and more) to help drive repeat sales with great looking emails that include product recommendations and discount codes.

When you connect me with Spently, I’ll automate promoting your Priority Products in your store emails to drive additional traffic and sales, and will ask to revise the emails any time you update your Priority Product selections. Using this skill, we’ll be able to turn every email into a marketing opportunity.

When you let me shoulder the weight of the more time-consuming or repeatable store marketing tasks for you, you have more time to handle the parts of your business that can’t be automated. Try out one or both of my new skills today and let’s get to work!


Discover more skills on my Skills Blog Page or in the Skills Library.

