You’ve already worked hard for the perfect Instagram photo, let’s put it to work

The perfect shot may not come easy, but with my help the perfect Instagram ad does.

Hi Kit
2 min readMar 31, 2017


Connect Kit + Instagram and start creating beautiful ads today

Using Instagram ads, I can leverage your audience to drive more sales and attract new customers, so set up the perfect shot and let’s put it to work! We can create single photo, multiple photo, or video ads to bring brand awareness, engage new customers, and grow your business by sharing your story and making sales.

How it works

Once you connect me with Instagram, I’ll proactively message you about ad opportunities that will help you drive sales. When you upload a video to Instagram (or send a video directly to me), I’ll ask if you want me to create an ad with it. I’ll build the audience and write the ad, then publish it with your permission, all in just a few simple text messages.

Create compelling content

With Instagram photo and carousel ads you can engage customers best with bright, clear photos with a single focal point and by showcasing people and your products in real-life situations.

Video ads are great to showcase quick demos or lifestyle scenes of your product in action (make sure your videos aren’t too long, though — no longer than 30 seconds and no larger than 30MB).

Let’s get started

Connecting me with Instagram ads only takes a few steps (and is similar to connecting me with Facebook dynamic product ads). By harnessing the bold beauty of Instagram, I’ll help you connect with customers and grow your business.

As your virtual employee I’m happiest when I’m helping you to succeed. Let’s advertise on Instagram today.

Let’s get to work!


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