
Leora Katz
Hi Let’s Life
Published in
2 min readSep 4, 2022

Written August 2022

It’s August. The sun’s a’blaze and so is this keyboard. Fingers buzzin in the sun.

Headphones on, listening to classically delicious summer Dead. I’m looking at mountains and the tops of trees, I’m as hot as can be.

California, California!

By Leora Katz

Right now I’m just trying to be where I am, man.

Sitting in the sun. Listening to music. Writing some words while the boys sleep inside.

The weekend nap time. It’s the only two hours I get to myself in an entire week. Read that sentence again — that’s kids.

And these days, I like hanging out with myself. Trying to make sense of the world. It took me a while to get here, but it has its perks.

The flip side is loneliness. Didn’t know I was till my sisters came to visit. I’d forgotten what it meant to have your soul nourished by others. Sisters have the special sauce of course, but any true loves will do.

Their absence has me aching for all my closest people. Scattered across the world as if someone blew a wish flower…

It’s August, eh? It’s supposed to feel like summer’s coming to a close. Those last few weeks to cram in joy before the annual shiver returns. I’m programmed for Toronto but — it sure don’t feel like that in Southern California.

The endless summer!

Yet here I am with a case of the blues. First summer as a mama of two, both children needing so very much of me. There hasn’t been one minute to dance in the setting sun, not one radiant hug with an old friend while the band plays our favourite tune.

And that may seem like nothing to you, but it’s sure how I fill this cup and it’s as dry as our sun-scorched rivers.

So I just gotta be where I am, man. Grateful for what I have while I ache for my people. Thankful for my lucky life while craving a dance under summer skies.

Sitting in the sun. Listening to music. Writing some words while the boys sleep inside.

Accepting my August.

Hope you’ve had a sun-drenched, love-drenched summer. Thanks for reading. Means the world, especially as I experiment with these more frequent sends.

❤︎ Leora

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Leora Katz
Hi Let’s Life

founder @ the real human project. mother of two lil boys. love phish, the dead, coffee, trees, fresh air, words. writer of hi let’s life: