A deeper love for baking

Hi’s Eye Blog
Published in
3 min readApr 21, 2017

by Julia Mazzucco

Whisking, cracking and waiting for the delicious treat to come out of the oven: This is something I truly love. Ever since I was little, I would always be there by my mom’s side as the first person to lick the beater when she was making cupcakes or to clean the bowl of any batter left when brownies were the treat of the day.

Baking is such a universal outlet of happiness, as it lets you escape from everything and focus on something yummy. Yet, this has an even deeper meaning for me because it resembles family. Some of the many fond memories I have with my family involve baking. Each season brings the festive cookies: flowers for the spring, leaves for the fall, the iconic flip flops for the summer, and of course, the snowflakes for the winter.

At first I enjoyed baking because I could eat a dessert throughout the whole process and watch as each component played a critical role in the adventure. Once I got a little older, I was able to then take control and my interest just took off.

I have never gone without a co-baker. My sister always filled that spot and we would drift off into our own little world. From pretending we were on a baking show to talking about what our bakery together would look like, we were the best co-bakers in our town. We would blast music and I would never miss a chance to whip out my dance moves for her and it would become a baking dance party.

Although my sister passed away 2 ½ years ago from cancer, our memories live on in every treat I bake to this day. The moment I take out my ingredients, our times together instantly flood my mind and I easily end up back in those days together making our cookies, cupcakes, cake pops, you name it.

This is where the root of my love of baking lies. Each time I bake is a little celebration. It may be a celebration of an important time in our lives, but it is more importantly a celebration of life and how precious every moment is. My family has and always will be the most important part of my life. I put them first and grab any moment I can get with them. I use baking as a way to show my love and signify remembrance of our times together.

Baking may be a fun activity to fill your sweet tooth, but it can always mean so much more. Such a small thing can brighten your day and anyone else’s. Finding the joy in the little things in life truly brings real happiness all around, and I have been lucky enough to find something like that I can hold so close to my heart.

Next time you go for your special activity or try and think of what matters to you most, don’t forget to pause and remember who or what has gotten you to love it so much, because that is what will always resonate with you for the rest of your life.

