Lessons Passed On

Hi’s Eye Blog
Published in
2 min readJan 27, 2016

by Jared Glassman

“The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living”- Cierco

Recently, my grandmother suddenly passed away. At first when I heard the news, I was in shock. I could not believe that the woman I’d talk on the phone with every week would no longer be on the other end. After reality gave me a smack in the face, I eventually came to my senses.

Growing up with my grandma around, I learned a lot. She taught me many lessons but one that always stuck in my head was that even in the hardest times, there is always good. As I struggled to find any light in this dark place, I thought of my grandma and what she would say to me.

My grandmother was a teacher. Of course she was the well known 2nd grade teacher at Kushner academy from Monday-Friday but on the weekends she taught me. Her teachings were based on life and love, about laughter and friendship, and music and family. But of course we’d take a checkers break in between.

Always the most joyful person in my family, my grandma would wear a smile everywhere she went. She wasn’t so much a grandmother to me, but rather a friend. A friend that you could talk to when no one else would listen. A friend that would be there for you, no matter what the situation was. A best friend.

In the midst of mourning her death, I thought of all of the good memories we had together. I remembered all the holidays we’d share and the weekends I’d spend at her house dancing around to Grease. It’s no wonder she always managed to show me the light.

Being the first major death I’ve had to deal with as a teenager, I had no idea how to overcome this loss. But I knew my grandmother was with me during this difficult time, teaching me one of her classes once again. I understood that my grandmother would not want me to be sad but rather celebrate her and all of the lives she touched.

See I’ve realized that in every situation, including death, there is a positive. In this event, death made me more appreciable of the people around me while reminding me of the beautiful memories I had with my grandmother.

In tragedies like death, there is always life. And in darkness, there is always light. Thank you grandma for teaching me this vital lesson.

Your friend, Jared

