My first prom: A junior’s take

Hi’s Eye Blog
Published in
3 min readJun 14, 2016

by Haley Farella

Prom. The last hurrah for seniors to get together with their entire class to celebrate. In WHS, there is only a senior prom, not a junior and senior prom as other towns have. Because there is only one, it makes it special for seniors.

I am a junior who went to the senior prom this year, and so did three of my best friends. It’s exciting to get a chance to go to prom before my senior year, to see what it was like. Although it was exciting, it was also nerve wracking. My friends and I are like outsiders looking in, because the senior grade is so close. For seniors, the event was bittersweet. We juniors are the only ones that have the comfort of knowing we have another year with each other. I think it’s going to be sad to look around at the senior class and know that I won’t be seeing any of them in the hallway next year.

Prom is so special for the seniors and it was so fun to watch the promposals, and see who went with whom. The seniors really went all out this year, and it’s exhilarating to think that this will be my friends and me next year.

Prom is a senior focused event, so I think it’s cool that only seniors wear long dresses at prom; it symbolizes that they finally made it through high school. Prom is a senior thing, and I think it should remain that way. Although my friends and I went to prom, we all understand that this is our date’s prom, not ours.

They choose who sits at our prom table, what pre-prom we go to, and who rides in our limo. And I love the fact that I can be there with my senior friend as his date, and that this is just not my prom just yet. I feel as if it’s the juniors’ job to do the best they can to make the seniors happy during their prom, because this prom should be all about them.

And since seniors only get one prom, their promposals are extravagant. I think promposals are my favorite part of prom. The way I got asked actually scared me a bit, but I will remember it for a long time. I was sitting at the train station with my friend waiting for her train to arrive, when I heard a low voice scream my name. This was at night, and I couldn’t see anything but a minivan pull up. Instead of my first reaction being “Oh my god, I am going to get asked to prom!” it was “Oh no, I am going to get kidnapped.” I had a sigh of relief when my date came out of the truck with soccer balls pouring out (he and I both play soccer) and a sign that said “Prom?” It caught me by complete surprise.

Prom is a special night, one that should be for the seniors. So juniors, yes, some of us may be going to prom, but it does not mean that this prom is for us. It’s for the seniors, and I think we should keep it that way.

