Finding yourself through journalism

Hi’s Eye Blog
Published in
2 min readOct 15, 2015

by Jared Glassman

Blogger Jared Glassman at the Penn State journalism camp this summer.

Everyone needs an outlet in life. Something to take their mind off this crazy world and be free. My out is journalism.

Being a journalist is something I’ve wanted to do since I started watching ESPN at four years old. The act of talking about something I love excites me. I also feel that offering my own opinion and knowledge to the public is very important, as it is a chance to spread news while also commenting on it.

Contrary to popular belief, journalism is more than words on paper. The main definition from Merriam–Webster is the activity of collecting, writing, and editing news stories, but really it is more than that. Being a journalist brings a feeling of freedom, as it is a way to express your views. Journalism also brings you the ability to not hold back and write about different topics. The variation and freedom are two of the beauties of journalism.

In general, I love writing as it allows me to get everything off my mind and just release tension. The thoughts flow as I put them into words. Writing is a way for me to be in my own world and tune out everything outside.

Journalism is an art, and there is no better feeling than finishing up a piece you poured your blood, sweat and tears in. That masterpiece becomes your child and you are ready to share it with the world.

