Introducing Seva (We’re Hiring!)

Sanjay Jain
Published in
3 min readAug 8, 2018

Today, we’re thrilled to tell you about Seva!

Based in downtown New York City we’re a group of seasoned entrepreneurs, engineers, and scientists reimagining how today’s knowledge workforce acquires the information they need to move work forward, faster.

The passion for Seva stems from my last 10 years as a founder and CTO of companies of all sizes and stages, where it’s become evident that today’s knowledge workforce is in much need of a better way to manage information across their growing cloud stack — after all information is currency at work.

I’m extremely grateful to be joined on this journey by my incredibly fun and super talented teammates (Dr.) Maggie, Alex, Rick, and Bill.

The Fragmentation Problem

With enterprises rapidly moving to the cloud, today’s modern workforce can choose from over 1,900+ easy-to-use SaaS applications to improve every function of their workday — from email to chat to document management — to point solutions for ticketing, CRM, HR, and billing. We can thank the consumerization of enterprise computing for the unprecedented choice we have have in the applications and platforms we can rapidly adopt at work. In fact, today’s knowledge worker uses roughly 15 applications as part of their ‘stack’ at work, and that number is only growing.

Does this look like your work stack?

But rarely do we talk about the disadvantages of having such tight dependence on a diverse set of applications.

  • Massive, unmanageable, data silos of both structured and unstructured data are being created within the organization as enterprises continue the rapid shift to the cloud and employee data footprints continue to grow. And with no established taxonomy or governance, workers often find themselves unaware of existing knowledge — resulting in the value of data being unrealized and work being recreated and contributed back into these unmanageable silos.
  • The disaggregation of information & knowledge slows down our ability to move work forward. We find customer intelligence decentralized throughout the organization — Sales/AM create account records in CRM, Product creates decks in Drive, Customer Success manages tickets in Zendesk. The same goes for technical teams — code in Github, product specs in Google Drive, docs in Confluence, and tickets in JIRA. We spend 8 hours a week just searching for, verifying, and recreating information!
  • An inability to self-serve information is created because we inherently get frustrated trying to find what it is we need — over 50% of workplace searches are actually unsuccessful because they don’t deliver the desired outcome — and we resort to tapping our coworkers on their shoulders, holding ineffective meetings, or recreating information because we think it saves time. This is incredibly counterintuitive to how we think about the modern workforce embracing automation and intelligence.

The Seva Solution

With today’s growing and fragmented work stack, Seva unifies and simplifies all your cloud content so that teams can seamlessly access the information they need in order to work smarter and faster.

An embedded SaaS platform that unifies search across your clouds, Seva takes only seconds to set up and works in any Chrome application (with mobile and Slack coming soon!). Simply add your cloud connections, download the Chrome extension — and you’re off to the races.

One-click installation takes seconds!
Salesforce (coming soon!) implementation augments CRM data with information stored across your clouds.

Seva is in early Beta and we’d love for you to try it or hear from you. Learn more about the product or sign up here.

-Sanjay & Team Seva



Sanjay Jain
Editor for

Founder & CEO at Seva, previously Co-Founder & CTO & Pictela (acquired by AOL), CTO at Simulmedia, Twin Dad, Pilot