Brain Feast for a Social Learner

Hi-tech, Hi-touch
Published in
3 min readJun 24, 2015


HT2’s xAPI MOOC brings tech to the forefront of the social learning age.

I don’t often write blog posts. On a day-to-day basis I find there is so much to experience, I never find the time to write about it.

But every now and then I find something that brings my brain to a halt. I have to stop, think and reflect.

For the past few months I have been working with HT2, their enthusiasm is contagious, but I can’t say that I had picked up much of an understanding about an aspect of their business: xAPI.

When HT2’s #learnxAPI MOOC was released I wondered if I would understand the content, I wondered if it would clarify many of the questions in my mind.

Now that I’ve worked my way through the MOOC, do I know more about xAPI? I can’t quantify the knowledge gained as I didn’t establish any measurable data before starting (that pesky hindsight again).

Do I feel more confident about it? Yes. Could I explain it to someone? Perhaps, I’ll have to find a willing test subject. I would probably use the MOOC as a tool to help.

What I can say about the MOOC is that there is significant emphasis on the learning experience. For people that enjoy information, in any form, playing with data, reading data, analysing data, it is a feast for the mind. If you are of an inquisitive nature and like to learn, here you will find your feast.

I’m not big on words, I need interaction, imagery, variety to support the extent to which I soak in my surroundings. In the context of learning this is crucial.

Reflecting back on the MOOC, there are three moments that have made the greatest impact.

  1. Interactive imagery to represent data:

2. Ben’s xAPI enthusiastic-explainer video:

This video was key, Ben’s enthusiasm for the subject brings the information to life and it suddenly becomes easy to digest.

3. Access to wider networks

The twitter list within the MOOC instantly enhances the learning experience, it provides the ability to connect and open social conversations with other. It links learners to a range of experts and enthusiasts who know what they are talking about, even if they don’t always agree.

So what did I learn from the MOOC? The significance of the level of care and thought that goes into the design of the learning experience.

Issy is the Managing Director of Nancarrow Partnerships, she comes from a background of developing communications with companies from large international corporates to national SMEs. She has a passion for eLearning and eLearning technologies.



Hi-tech, Hi-touch

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