A Social Media Survival Guide to 2020

Published in
1 min readMar 25, 2020

With brands constantly trying to anticipate the latest trend or recreate a fleeting moment of fame they once had, our feeds are inundated with cringy attempts at getting attention and forgettable fly-bys.

In the first week of February 2020 we released our annual Survival Guide. This edition is built around understanding the value of social currency. What to start doing and what to stop doing. Including examples of brands that have had success in stock piling it through understanding the importance of story and connecting to humans at an emotional level. But. But. What is social currency? Well, that’s in there too.

Fine.Here are some topics we covered as solutions:
A. Be memorable
B. Showing up isn’t enough
C. Anticipate new frontiers
D. Build a community to vouch, not amplify
E. Social currency comes from actions, not words

Don’t worry, its’ an easy read. There are plenty of pretty pictures and humor attempts.

Full Presentation Here

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hi5.agency is a full service creative agency that takes a social first approach to owning the moment.