Zenlink tutorial — next generation of DEX on polkadot

Bob Jiang
Published in
4 min readApr 14, 2021

Zenlink, the first cross-chain DEX protocol based on polkadot, is officially open for public beta testing, and you will have a chance to win limited edition NFT and ZLK airdrops by participating in the beta testing. Take the test now: https://dex.zenlink.pro/

There are 4 parts in this post you can learn how to do the swap and provide liquidity with Zenlink.

  • wallet
  • faucet
  • swap
  • pool
  • invite friends

Part 1 — wallet

Step1 — First to download and install polkadot{js} extension — https://polkadot.js.org/extension/

Step 2 — Next you can create a wallet or import a wallet with a seed (or JSON file).

Step 3 — Once created wallet, you will get following screen:

ATTENTION: don’t share the 12 mnemonic seed with anyone!

Step 4 — set the descriptive name and password for your wallet

Part 2 — faucet (test tokens)

Open your browser (chrome here) and visit Zenlink DEX portal https://dex.zenlink.pro/

Step 1 — connect wallet just created

Step 2 — once connected your wallet, you can claim test tokens by the faucet (click the faucet button in the right upper)

Step 3 — you will get the test tokens soon (sometime maybe the faucet is down, you need to wait for the team to bring the faucet back).

Part 3 — swap

Open your browser (chrome here) and visit Zenlink DEX portal https://dex.zenlink.pro/

Connect your wallet

Step 1 — click swap in the left menu

Step 2 — choose the swap token (from token and to token) and input the amount you would swap.

Step3 — confirm the transaction

Step 4 — Sign the transaction

Step 5 — you will get the target tokens in your wallet.

Part 4 — pool

Open your browser (chrome here) and visit Zenlink DEX portal https://dex.zenlink.pro/

Connect your wallet

Click Pool in the left menu

Step 1 — click Add liquidity button if you don’t have any liquidity.

Step 2 — choose the input token pair and amount,

and then click “Supply” button to create your pool

Step 3 — Confirm

Step 4 — Sign the transaction

You can add (amount) or remove your liquidity at any time by choosing your existing liquidity.

Invite friends

In the right up corner, you can generate your invitation link to invite friends to join Zenlink testnet.

Step 1 — click the share button

Step 2 — Copy & Share your invitation link to your friends. E.g my invitation link is https://dex.zenlink.pro/#/swap?slkkne=5DeokhP76chiPvubeiGk7mGrU6tu7GyPK626rWDaLPF8Ji5a

During the test, if you find any bug, please fill in the following form (you could get ZLK if confirmed). https://shimo.im/forms/5rk9dra61GHP9lqx/fill


About HiBlock

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Telegram : https://t.me/bobjiang123

Website : https://www.hiblock.net/

