Hidden Gems Is Looking For Volunteers!

Kasey Hope Martin
Hidden Gems of Tennessee
2 min readDec 19, 2023


Good Old Rocky Top Needs some reps!

Vol Pride needs the WHOLE stadium!

Why hello there!

Much like the title suggests… I need writers. And I don’t need just any writers. I need writers who have home-grown Southern roots lived in Tennessee their whole life writers. I need ‘transplant’ writers who have come to my home, and fallen in love so deeply with our mountains and forests… that ya’ll decided to stay.

I need writers who love Tennessee to share their stories, their culture, their food, their gardens, their adventures, and themselves. Hidden Gems of Tennessee should be a representation of our unique culture and history in all of its beauty, a complete picture of what to expect.

Tennessee is the home to some of the most beautiful mountains and forests. It’s the place where some of the most powerful country voices have hailed. I live in a town very close to where Brad Paisley grew up, for example.

What does it take to publish in HGoT? *hic*

  1. Follow the publication guidelines for Medium.
  2. I will accept previously published articles — I’m way too laid back to claim I care about what others care about. You will just have to unpublish and republish the article.
  3. The article must be about you, in Tennessee, or about Tennessee in some way. If it’s a recipe by your great-great-grandmother who was an Appalachian witch doctor — I’ll take it! I’m not picky. I just need to know you’re from/in Tennessee, and how the topic of the article relates to the Volunteer State.
  4. Be honest and tasteful… Our state is beautiful and perfect. But we are certainly not an Eutopia. So I don’t want to see any articles claiming falsities. Plenty of TRUTH to go around though! The Good, The Bad, The Ugly about Tennessee. I’ll read it, I’ll take it! Within reason. Of course!

How do get accepted as a writer for HGoT?

  1. Follow the publication!
  2. Clap for this article.
  3. Comment on the article, asking to write.
  4. I would prefer to see an article before I accept you. It doesn’t have to be about Tennessee, but I would like to read some of your stuff. You can either attach a draft link to an article OR link to me an already published article. Put it in your comment! ❤

And that’s it!

I am looking forward to hearing from everyone!



Kasey Hope Martin
Hidden Gems of Tennessee

Before all things, I am a mom. Secondary to that, I am a writer, an abuse survivor, and I try my very hardest to be an inspirer!