Al Stewart

Denise at 16

Michael Dörr
Hidden Treasures


Of all well-known persons in the music industry with the family name “Stewart”, like John, Dave, Eric, and Rod, there is one who should have had more success than he did over the past decades. I’m talking about Al Stewart, one of the most talented folk singers of Great Britain.

There were rumors he once lived in Paris under very poor circumstances. I don’t know whether this is true. But one important fact has always been talked about. The guy once lived next door to Paul Simon and could hear him writing some of his songs.

“Bed-Sitter Images”, Al’s first album, contains one simple but great instrumental that leaves you in a melancholy mood. The track was recorded in 1967. Apparently, it symbolized the friendship to a classmate. Others argue that the song is about Al’s sister, who died of a drug overdose in 1960. “Denise at Sixteen” brings back the memory of all the dreams you had as a boy and never came true.

Al Stewart is still touring, but he has always been associated with the classic “Year of the Cat”, although he should be remembered for a lot of other impressive songs.

Maclin Horton knows more about this song, so go visit his website.


