A Horror Story in 60 seconds

Tom Sadira
HIFI Press
Published in
1 min readOct 31, 2019

You’re stumbling through a dim corridor. Alone. Lights flicker above.

No one else is in sight, but you can feel a malicious gaze.

You hear footsteps dragging behind you, moving more slowly than your own — but somehow they’re drawing closer.

Then, suddenly, you feel a gust of foul breath on your neck.

You panic. You scream. You run.

No one comes to your rescue.

What were you thinking coming here in the first place?

Will you make it out alive? You don’t see how.

Just as you’re about to give up, you see a glimmer of light up ahead.

An exit!

You break into a sprint.

You leap over heaps of trash and greasy pools of black liquid. You’re going to make it!

As you dive through the door to the outside world, you hear a raspy, wretched voice call out to you:




Tom Sadira
HIFI Press

Tom Sadira writes from the intense solar radiation of Arizona alongside his lovely wife and three children (all human, probably).