Mohini Singh
Published in
3 min readJul 1, 2020


Not everyone is not lucky enough to launch a start-up with an investment. Launching a start-up with enough finance in hand is quite easy but most of the companies fail to attain that very thing.

Does that mean you have to give up on your dream? The funding is not the ultimate problem that start-ups today face. Business strategies play a vital role in inferring the achievement of your brand. A modest change in your business strategy can lead to either an enormous profit or even a big loss.

Here are 10 do’s and don’ts to keep in mind when launching a start-up.

Have A Niche for your startup

Try things that are different. If the whole world is running after starting a courier service, it’s not necessary that you have to do the same. You don’t need to launch something that doesn’t exist in the market either but do ensure that your idea is resourceful and unique.

passion for startups

Where there is passion, money follows

When you start a business, keep in mind the original purpose. You probably gave up a well-paying 10-to-5 job to make this work. Put your efforts because you love it and the capital will automatically generate.

Know your craft well

It’s always better to launch a start-up on some pre-knowledge. For example, if you have a good idea about baking, start a bakery. You don’t need to be a specialist, but you should have a good understanding of the least.

Give what the customers want

The market is your target and the market comprises customers. You have to understand what the customer wants and enrich your start-up with those to meet the demands of the market.

Change when necessary

Most budding entrepreneurs are afraid to change their business strategies. But staying confined to the same old four walls will not bring to you success. You need to change your plans according to circumstances, market, audience, and demands.

Following footsteps may not be the best for your startup.

Some businesses may be your inspiration source but planning your entire business plan based on their actions is not likely to get you successful. Pick a niche and own it (or the market).

Ditch the fancy titles

Many start-ups have a fancy name or a title that doesn’t even match with what purpose they serve. Your startup name should reflect your products and services. The same goes for the logo. Keep the logo constant to help people identify the brand simply by color or font.

Great brands have greater teams

A good team often wins big awards. The pillar of any start-up is a strong, dedicated, and passionate team. One person cannot drive an entire start-up. You need some smart and hard-working employees to form your team and strengthen your startup.

Running a successful startup may seem like a big challenge initially. But changing with time and adopting some new strategies will surely bring you success.

All the best! Have some other important tips? Tell us in the comments. Looking for help building your startup? Reach out to us at Higgle.

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