Touching Christ Consciousness

A psychedelic revelation

High Dose Wisdom
High Dose Wisdom
4 min readSep 27, 2022


Group X, №1, Altarpiece, 1915’ by Hilma af Klint

Not many texts held and in parts still hold sway over mankind like the body of texts known as The Bible.

Yet, I always felt an aversion to even talk about religion and even less so religious texts. Everyone from priests to UFO theologists and everyone in between uses their very own interpretation to interpret “the real” meaning of the bible. By doing that, they try to connect whatever theory of theirs to a cultural heritage of several thousand years. Basically slingshotting their theory around the gravity well of a super heavyweight cultural tradition.

Whoever does that, claims authority and “true” knowledge. There is literally no interpretation scenario that is unclaimed — be it white supremacy, to alien genetic manipulation or reverse encoded ciphers through time travel in the texts.

A difference

That said, I’d like to humbly add to the store of available interpretations. Why? Because I feel there is a slight difference to many other available interpretations:

Mine occurred as a natural process of unfolding of meaning. I was not looking for it — not even remotely. It just happened through direct experience.

The signpost is the experience. The experience, that connects back from the original source to the culturally transmitted content. Whereas most other available interpretations go the other way round: They use the religious texts and already existing supporting material to narrow down and stitch together meaning. Then they add their own spin, agenda and purpose. Et Voilà, a mind-based zombie puppet that lacks the living heart of actual transpersonal experience.

In contrast, my insights have not been generated by logical deductions or abstract reasonings about the subject matter. More so, they naturally emerged as an understanding and knowing. An opening up of layers of meaning and understanding based on the experience and embodiment of a state of consciousness. It just happened. No rumination, no deduction, no thinking. Just a first person experience. I’m sure anyone can have that very same experience. I’m sure it is meant to be that way.


Some say Jesus as a person never existed, others are citing archaeological evidence to his actual existence. I’m not here to judge either side, but to describe what happened many years back and frankly quite surprisingly:

My ego consciousness had dissolved a while ago before already. The mushroom experience seemed to be peaking. I was lying in bed, warm and safe on a rainy weekend afternoon. Surprisingly, there was not much body load in this experience and my mind was clear. My consciousness rested in a place of unity. In that place I was whole.

Looking from that place at my ego personality, it appeared as nothing more than a mirage. The understanding formed: “I am my parents and myself at the same time. I birthed myself.

With that, the genetical sequence of lineage, heritage and self-identification collapsed in the face of the larger consciousness I bathed in. It made sense: No distinction between a “me” and anyone else before me or after me. The all encompassing awareness that IS: “I am god. I am whole. I am everything.”

God births Jesus

Delving deeper into that peculiar state, I experienced how I “split part of my consciousness off” at some “point in time”. I witnessed the IS-consciousness splitting off a portion of itself.

The reason for splitting myself, like a cells divides, was to remind myself of myself. To remind myself of my own totality. To call into the farthest reaches of myself. To directly touch this part of me-ness here on earth with the wholeness of myself.

I immediately understood that this “split off” part is an original state of consciousness. A state we commonly refer to as Jesus.

To remind myself of myself.

The Jesus consciousness is to act as a bridge so I won’t forget my true nature. To remember myself, the whole of myself while being in this 3D reality and body.

This Jesus consciousness is inherently connected to the full expression of myself. Myself, god, the “father”. The father who has birthed and split off part of himself.

The Jesus consciousness was meant to be a bridgehead, an easier onramp, one that is more readily accessible as a state of consciousness here than the full on realization of self. But first and foremost it was meant as a reminder to myself of myself.


From that perspective I saw spiritual “history”. Yet time is a weird thing that far out. It was a timeless act. A sequence of events in the Now. Gaining that understanding was an act of realtime is-ness. Fresh. Right there. No historical ages, no overlays of a person and its history. Instead an immediate state of consciousness that permeates time and space:

Jesus is an ever present state of consciousness.

It is not tied to one single person millennia ago, but achievable by anyone and everyone. Throughout time. At any given moment.

The reminder counts for all of us and has no expiry date.

