Mars Mysteries

High Dose Wisdom
High Dose Wisdom
Published in
9 min readJan 28, 2023

Experiment in Remote Viewing

Who wouldn’t want to explore other planets, times and gain insights on the burning questions in the back of the mind?

Yet, it took many years of exposure to luminaries like Ingo Swann and others for the “click” of conversion from content consumer to trying and experimenting with our innate human capabilities. While many people have already some extended skills, remote viewing offers a precise methodology that allows for the practice of that skillset.

Thereby, a viewer is blind to the target and is only presented a random number code that the Tasker has prepared. The code stands for the actual target, which can be anything from an object, to landscapes, persons and anything in between like energies, relationships etc.

After the viewing, a vital part of the process is to provide feedback of the target to the viewer. That allows the viewer to verify and improve their skills over time. This feedback process distinguishes remote viewing from many other psychic processes in which people tend to get lost in their own mind and never get -or even want feedback and verification of their performance.

In that manner, we experimented with our innate and untrained remote viewing capabilities. While not strictly adhering to any CRV, ERV, ARV or other “official ”-RV format, we just wanted to see if we can get any results at all. A loose experiment.

Our target contained clearly verifiable features for the viewer but also had the potential to open into realms that are harder to verify. Yet, as you will see, we were in for several surprises. In short, our minds were blown with this very first session!

Target & Tasking

Target ID: 099 091

Object as seen in the picture on the martian surface.

In addition to the relevant aspects of the general target as defined by the essential cue, the viewer perceives and describes the following target aspects, which can be found in his Remote Viewing:

  • The color, size and shape of the object
  • The origin of the object
  • The location of the object
Target ID: 099 091 Source: NASA

Session Protocol

Preliminaries: Sunday Jan 8 2023 2pm. Full moon. It is the viewer’s first session. We intend to freestyle and see how far we can get. No recording. No drawings. Session takes place over google hangouts. Viewer is completely blind to target.
Viewer takes a moment to relax, put eye mask on and recline. Verbal transmission of target coordinates to viewer. Viewer repeats coordinates and begins session:

— — —

Viewer: I’m getting shapes now. It’s getting lighter.
I see a reptile, a bone of a dinosaur.
Craters, it almost looks like the surface of the moon (AOL)
I see some sort of prehistoric bird, or reptile. It it difficult to make out because of the darkness, but I see it’s skin which was lizard/chicken-like. It begins to age rapidly and melt away leaving a skeleton. I see the eyeball disintegrate into nothing and it left a skull-fossil that is weathered. I think it is trying to tell me how it died -of old age.

Monitor: Can you describe your surroundings?
Viewer: Surroundings are dark. There is black and white, caves, rocks, rock formations.

It’s rocky. It feels like there is a shaft. I see a blinding light. The atmosphere is damp and dark [describes being down like in a shaft underground and on the surface. switches.] There is no ceiling. Rocks.

Again, there is the animal eyes.
Now I see a person. There is the mouth of a cave or large opening. I’m inside a dome. It’s huge!
There is these weird shapes everywhere.

I’m still very close to the things I see. At a weird 45° angle. I’m too close. Can’t get a good overview. It’s as if something or someone is preventing me from seeing all.

I see the shadows of a fan moving across the floor from inside of a vent somewhere. At the end of a tunnel I see a being that is coming in. He grows larger in snapshots, coming towards me. I don’t think he notices me. I only see his outline, which was obscured from the light behind him. He is maybe 5–6 feet. I see him from maybe around 50–60 feet away at first. His proportions are humanoid, but his torso was much larger. Almost barrel-chested and round, including the stomach.

[We had a pre-session agreement to not task alien entities. Therefore, the monitor moves the viewer away from the underground “facility”and the “biological entity”]

Monitor: Let’s focus on the surface and the target again. What do you perceive?
Viewer: A dinosaur like skeleton fossil.

Monitor: Can you see how big it is?
Viewer: It’s medium sized. I can see the neck upwards portion of it. It has a bird-like head.

Monitor: How many legs does it have?
Viewer: It is two legged. The skull has an almost raptor like shape. The head is different though.

Monitor: What is different about it?
Viewer: It has a long nose protruding at the front. The skull goes back a bit further than what one would expect with a raptor. [amazed] It has that huge eye!

Monitor: Can you say how big it was?
Viewer: About 6 feet when alive. Bipedal.

Monitor: Do you know how it died?
Viewer: I don’t know
It has been there [dead] for a long time.
It is very withered.
I don’t know where I am. I’m still so close. I can’t see properly.

[Viewer comment: At this time when shapes were changing and coming into focus it was too difficult to determine exactly what was being seen. Only later on did I realize that the change from skin to bones was most likely telling me it died from old age]

Monitor: Relax and let your consciousness float up to a higher vantage point.
Viewer: Yes, that’s a good idea.
[Viewer sits up from his reclined position and removes eye mask]

Monitor: What can you see now?
Viewer: I’m outside. It’s night. There is this huge fire. A lot of smoke. So much smoke!
It blots out the biggest part of the nigth sky. There is a few stars still visible. The smoke is massive!
There is only ambient light.
Nothing artificial.
Pockets of stars in the back.
There is a forest but the trees are weird.

[Amazed] This is nothing I’ve ever seen before!
There are many trees of different types. Too many to talk about. I’m picking the one nearest to me:

The Leaves are very thin. There are thousands of them on a single branch! They are really weird. Nothing I’ve seen anywhere before.
The trunk is weird too. It has a weird criss-cross pattern on it. Almost like a chainlink fence.

There is a bird looking at me or in my direction. It has a large beak. He has an eyebrow! Which could be a feather — But it is a long feather that looks like an eyebrow, and it does look funny and evil!l [laughs]. He is huge! 20–30 foot wingspan.

I see broken trees.
A little bit of ambient light.
There is an egg sitting there on my left on the forest floor

I am viewing everything from a very tiny vantage point. I feels like I am stuck in mud and it is difficult to move forward, or around. And I feel like I am only 1 foot tall.

Monitor: When in time is that scenery you are seeing? Past, Present, Future?
Viewer: Past

Monitor: What else can you perceive?
Viewer: There is foliage on the ground, a dirt floor, like in a forest.

Monitor: Can you perceive any smells?
Viewer: I’m having difficulty with the smells. Hmm, smell is not as bad as one would expect.

Monitor: Are there any other lifeforms?
Viewer: There is a mammal. Like a wolf. Grey-white, dark.
It is fighting something.

Monitor: What is it fighting?
Viewer: Something like a bird or a snake

Monitor: Do you know why they fight?
Viewer: The wolf-type creature wandered in the territory of the other creature

Monitor: Do you know how long ago this was?
Viewer: 1–2m years ago
[Viewer comment: This was a pure guess at the time and I had no real basis for it. It could have been millions, or billions of years ago, but it was a long time ago in the past. My first impulse was to say a billion years ago]

Monitor: Is there anything else that stands out to you?
Viewer: There is a stream. A lake. Suddenly I’m in marshlands.
It’s misty. Vegetation at a coastline.

Monitor: How does the sky look?
Viewer: There is ambient light on my left -the fire burning. It drowns out the stars. There is only natural light.I am looking down a coastline. To my right is a lake.

Monitor: What is the source of the ambient light?
Viewer: [astounded] There is a huge fire! It consumes the forest. A wildfire that goes through an entire forest! It so big! The biggest wildfire I’ve ever seen. It fills ⅔ of the entire horizon! The smoke clouds the sky.

I can see more plants.
Shit looks weird.
There is smaller reptiles maybe 2–3 feet large.

Monitor: Thank you! That’s it for now.
Wow! It was such a strange place. Next time I try without blindfold. Maybe that made my experience so dark. In my last practices without the blindfold I got sepia tones. It was lighter.
That forest without light!
Such a huge ass fire! Hard to comprehend its size.
There were all these animals everywhere.

Session End: 3pm
Session Duration: 1h

— — —

Viewer Summary

I probably saw 30–50 different creatures. Dozens of trees and plants that were completely unique which I’ve never seen before. At the time of viewing I thought I was back with the dinosaurs almost, but I had no idea it wasn’t Earth exactly. The craters and being dark may have signified space on another planet. But at some point it felt like maybe time shifted at a certain juncture and I was back when the target was alive and walked around. I may have experienced a shift of time during two periods of the same location.

Very strange with the tunnel/vent/humanoid portion

This is conjecture after the fact, but I believe that the giant fire may have been an attempt of the experience to convey the timeline in which I was viewing. Meaning, the information I was receiving from somewhere was trying to help me pinpoint a moment in time upon which the experiences were taking place. Seemingly large/obvious events that happen during viewings may become a key upon which a viewer can unlock a specific period in time (not sure).

[Viewer gets sent the full tasking and target picture]

2 weeks later

A friend of mine comes for visit. He is a scientifically trained arborist and worked his whole life with trees and plants. I show him a printout of the session transcript. While reading he exclaims:
“These trees sound like Bromeliads to me! The criss-cross pattern on the stem is very typical for that plant family. It’s like on a pineapple. They are also one of the ancient plant families on earth. Ferns belong to the same family and the many small leaves makes me think of them.

Did you know that Bromeliads produce huge amount of spores?
And you know what? These Bromeliad spores are highly flammable!

There is a theory among scientists that large parts of the early earth Bromeliads extinguished themselves by massive fires that their spores caused!”


Checking for more information, it turns out my arborist friend was correct:



Needless to say we were both speechless after this session. Both viewer and monitor are untrained. Yet, not only was the viewer on target but also caught a glimpse of an ancient landscape on another planet that was completely foreign.

A vibrant landscape which was inhabited by bi-pedal reptile type beings as well as some sort of birds and wolf-like mammals.
Apart from some glimpses into an underground tunnel system near the target (in the present), going back in time there seems to have been no indication of manmade influences on the ancient environment in this session.

There was a large horizon spanning wildfire devouring the forest. This factoid oddly fits into the Bromeliad extinction theory for ancient earth Bromeliads.

The session results clearly show a vibrant, self-sustaining ancient ecosystem with water, air, plant and animal life — on Mars.

