Peptides perfected — My daily Nootropic Protocol after years of experimentation

High Dose Wisdom
High Dose Wisdom
Published in
17 min readDec 28, 2020


A protocol that works time and again

Photo by SHAYAN rti on Unsplash

I don’t know many people who have a set nootropic regimen that they apply to themselves on a regular basis. A regimen that really — consistently works for them. Without negative side effects.

Rather, most people are stuck in a loop of costly experimentation to chase the next big thing on the market. Only to find out that the effects are, yet again, not quite as promised, or too expensive. Today, it’s hard to distinguish between customer and marketeer. Luckily I could break out of this loop. I found a regimen that works for me time and again. It does not break the bank, nor has it produced any negative side effects so far.

Before we start

First of all, I need to state that I am not a medical doctor and none of the following information provided here is to be taken as diagnosis, medical advice or encouragement to do what I have done with my own body. I am merely reporting my own experiences in the name of open discussion and self-exploration. This is a subjective personal report. n=1! Please consult your medical doctor for any health-related assessments, medical prescriptions and therapies.

The Search

