The DMT laboratory of cosmic shapes

A maker space within — an experimental story

High Dose Wisdom
High Dose Wisdom



The following text is an experimental transcription of a DMT experience aimed to convey the state of consciousness, joy and playfulness that has been encountered on the other side. Apart from the pleasant emotions, there might be a speculative connection from this experience to the pure forms described by Plato and the ancient Greeks. After all, all ancient civilizations were heavily influenced by entheogens. Enjoy.

Laughter, Play & Form

The state of play has been dire. Not much fun around these neck of the woods lately and humans are soo dense. Especially this one with is head between his buttocks. The mind of mind over matter.
But let’s not get too serious here since there is an important yet playful message to be conveyed:

Play is a universal constant. It’s almost a profession in the other realms and the greater reality. The one who plays best gains reputation and the ahas and ohos of the others. Big eyes funny laughs, grimaces if there were faces.
It’s energetic expressions of the self that are molded in form.

The sign language is a forming mold for flexibly soft-casting energy in a shape. That shape…

