Your Excel Skills Need Work

Uncommon ways you can speed up your workflow, and make your worksheets more professional

High Finance


With so much time at home social distancing from the world, this is the perfect time to be learning new skills, sharpening existing skills, and getting rid of bad habits. Although understandably you may want to take a break from productivity in stressful times such as these, for those who want to learn, here are 4 tips to help bring your excel game to the new level. Give me a few minutes of your time, and you will leave this article with at least one new piece of knowledge. My skills are nowhere near perfection, and I am nothing but an Excel user with experience in speed and data visualization.

Hear me out, and follow along.

Only free tools were included, as not everyone has access to $20,000 per year subscriptions (excludes FactSet, CapitalIQ, and Bloomberg). Although the tools explained here are also included in these expensive subscription services, this is a cheap alternative to running an Excel productivity machine from your home. These free tools do have a freemium subscription model where you can choose to pay for, but that is up to your discretion. The ultimate goal is meant to increase your work speed and presentability of data.

The less time that you spend on work, the more time you have with your family.



High Finance

Investment banker, global citizen interested in the pursuit and sharing of knowledge. Inquiries to