How Apple and BMW changed your car keys

Life After Data


The coming of a standardized authentication protocol for phones and cars, making various cars and mobile devices all interoperable.

Image by BMW.

A few weeks ago BMW announced that in their latest collaboration with Apple they are the world's first car maker to offer drivers a digital car key on their iPhone. You guessed it — the digital car key would allow drivers to lock, unlock, and even start their BMW using the iPhone and Apple Watch.

The feature is made available during summer 2020 on iOS 13, and Apple is working on bringing the feature to more cars next year.

Going back in time a bit, the first coming of this concept of using the phone as a supplementary car key took place back in 2015, now, with the second adaptation of the idea what exactly improved? Will this second approach ultimately change driver's habits or will it be simply another gimmick?

I think there is more than meets the eye.

I am going to talk about a few developments that have occurred behind the scenes, which will put this announcement in its proper context.

You will be amazed that you could think about car keys for 7 minutes after reading this article.

The key is a user…



Life After Data

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