Our Advocate in the Courtroom

Terence R Ford
High Praises Church
3 min readJun 12, 2019

“My little children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.

And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the whole world.” 1 John 2:1–2 (NKJV)

Once you surrender your life to Christ, from that point on, when God looks at you, he sees Jesus — not your past failures or even your accomplishments. He sees Jesus in you. God’s grace is just that amazing.

It seems too incredible to believe, doesn’t it? This is why the gospel means “good news.” Because of our union life with Jesus, we are no longer sinners. Instead, we are made free from the penalty and power of sin.

We just need to learn how to walk in the freedom that has already been won by Jesus.

Picture in your mind a courtroom.

You are on trial for treason against God.

You are sitting on the left side of the room, alone. The prosecuting attorney is seated on the right. In front is a Judge whose righteousness is so blinding you can’t see His face; all you can see is His glory.

The well-dressed prosecuting attorney approaches the Judge. He turns on a 20-foot, high-definition television. For hours he assaults you with everything you’ve ever done. His case is so convincing, so true, that it is beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are guilty. You are guilty of being a sinner.

As you stand to receive your well-deserved sentence of eternity in hell from the Judge, the creaking sound of a door opening echoes through the courtroom. It’s your defense attorney. He’s wearing a ripped-up, blood-soaked robe. You notice He has holes in His wrists. As your attorney approaches the bench, a hush descends over the crowded courtroom, and under the silence you hear, “He’s never lost a case.”

He really doesn’t have to say a word; at simply the gesture of His nail-scarred wrists and feet, the appearance of God the Son satisfies (atones) God the Father on our behalf. But He loves you so much that He will do anything on your behalf!

The prosecuting attorney objects to your defense attorney representing you. He tells the Judge that he wants you to represent yourself.

The Judge speaks. The courtroom trembles at His voice as He says, “Shut your mouth. My beloved Son is about to speak!” And God’s Son, your defense attorney, who was provided for you free of charge, says, “Father, everything the prosecution has said about My client is true. He is guilty. But I went to the cross and shed My blood to eternally secure My client’s freedom and forgiveness!”

God the Father, with a smile the size of the Milky Way, thunderously slams the gavel of heaven and joyfully shouts, “You, My child, are innocent of all charges against you. And you are forever forgiven!”

Let Ephesians 1:7 soak in: “He is so rich in kindness and grace that He purchased our freedom with the blood of His Son and forgave our sins” (NLT). And God’s forgiveness in Jesus is so complete that all your sins — past, present, and future — have been forgiven.

The Bible says that Satan is the accuser of the brethren. The enemy of your soul loves to go historical on you. So the next time he reminds you of your sin, your failures or shame, remember this truth and remind him of what Jesus accomplished on your behalf — you are forever forgiven. The next time he reminds you of your present, remind him of his future!

