Join the writing team

Thomas Lane
High School Voices
Published in
3 min readJul 8, 2020

Dear Friends,

I welcome high schoolers from all backgrounds, grades, and life perspectives, and I am super exited for you to join the team. Being part of the team can mean contributing anywhere from just once or posting weekly.

If you are already aching to write for High School Voices, just skim over the submission requirements and then email me at (make sure to tell me your username). If you are not convinced keep reading through my “Why Write” Section.

Highlight: High School Voices is a great place to grow your audience for your blog/organization, which you can do by cross posting your blog’s/orgnizations’s articles.

A few simple submission requirements

  • Try to write content that is creative: don’t be afraid to express yourself
  • Write content that will hopefully bring value to a person's life. Bringing value can be anything from writing about life skills to entertaining anecdote.
  • It is important to share your own unique opinions, but please always try to keep a kind and respectful tone when discussing possibly controversial topics
  • Its fine to link to your personal blog/organization, as long as the sole purpose of the article isn’t “This is my organization about X,Y and Z, read more about it here”.

That's pretty much it! As long as your content brings some value to another person’s life or expresses yourself it’s welcome here.

To join the team, please email me at (please include your username)

Why write for High School Voices

The problem is that Medium writers right now are mostly adult bloggers, there is a lack of both highschool writers and audiences.

To change this, I created this Medium publication (it’s sort of like a blog hosted on medium) open to all high schoolers writing about any topic. So whether you enjoy writing about productivity, ballet, airplanes or psychology etc. please join the writing team. Personally, I think the best way to get better at writing is just to write; so as long as you put a solid effort into what you write, your writing ability does not matter. Writing in a non-school context can help develop a greater interest in it and allow you to write without the restraints of rubrics and grades. The increased writing skills can also help your grades, SAT scores, college admissions essays, resumes, and more.

Also, if you ever had/have any interest in starting a blog, Medium can be a great stepping stone, since you can publish articles without the hassle of managing your own website.

If your’re not a writer (though all it takes is just to start writing) you can still follow High School Voices and read with your fellow high schoolers want to say

Also, if this publication will reach its goal of allowing high schoolers to write for a large audience, I ask you to please consider sharing this with anyone who you think would enjoy writing or reading on Medium

Thank you,


I am not advertising for Medium or trying to earn money from this and am not receiving anything for posting this. Personally I would only write in an Academic context and always wrote thinking about the grade I would get. I recently started blogging and writing on medium myself and saw my interest in writing for fun (as well as my writing skills) grow exponentially.



Thomas Lane
High School Voices

Hello, I am a student passionate about writing about productivity, mindfulness, running, and psychology. Visit the blog