
Pressure Cookers & High School

The characteristics of a pressure cooker remind me of something quite familiar

Isaac Rosenberg
High School
Published in
2 min readJun 5, 2013


Wikipedia defines a pressure cooker as such:

Pressure cooking is the process of cooking food, using water or other cooking liquid, in a sealed vessel—known as a pressure cooker, which does not permit air or liquids to escape below a pre-set pressure. Pressure cookers are used for cooking food quicker than conventional cooking methods, which also saves energy.

Oddly familiar. I wonder where I’ve seen this.

If we replace pressure cooker with high school, and cooking food with educating pupils, we would get something like this:

High school is the process of educating children in a sealed vessel—known as high school, which does not permit creativity or personality to escape below a pre-definined definition of achievement or success. High schools are used for educating children quicker than actually teaching them, which also saves the hassle of thinking.

Being a high school student, I know a few things about high school. I can tell you that it mainly is a place of absolute conformity, where contrarianism and creativity is harshly oppressed and looked down upon.

One other interesting thing that pressure cookers and high school share is that sometimes, pressure cookers can intake too much pressure, and lead to others being hurt. Same* goes for high school.

*I never thought I’d be using the New York Post as a source for anything, but this seemed to be an exception.

