Uneventful Things

Ria Kristina Torrente
Published in
1 min readSep 1, 2021

Sometimes I fear the slowness of days because I get agitated. How do you calm a violent storm?

Breathe. August was good. September will be better.

On some days when I’ve difficulties accepting myself and managing my emotions, I make a list of things that make me feel good — mundane static acts or small kinetic activities that seem uneventful yet are profound in its subtlety.

I like…

train rides

long walks

quiet observation

high places overlooking the city

looking down below from a high place

listening to the sound of rain and waterfalls and forest birds (even if it’s just playing on Spotify)

Slow is good. Slow looking. When making things.

Slow days though feel like a trap. But I’ve no reason to hurry.

There are mornings when I wake up with my eyes still closed I can hear my mind whisper a prayer of gratitude. I still exist.

Where do I go from here? I’m never going to arrive.



Ria Kristina Torrente

I am with and without. I am no one. Philippine-based. Follow my digital footprints at https://riatorrente.carrd.co/.