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High-Value Women


Created on by the author: — Rainna

Hello lovely ladies,

This publication means a lot to me as a woman. I have learned to be a high-value woman in the most challenging way, which it should be. I didn’t become a high-value woman overnight, and it took me years to be a high-value woman and know my true self and worth.

I believe that some women struggle to find their worth. We are here to help them out. More HV women are out there, including you, and I’m inviting you to write for HVW Publication.

Topics we cover:

  • High-Value Woman/Womanhood:
    Your life lessons and experiences on being a woman. Share your life lessons, experiences and struggles to find your worth and journey to be an HV woman.
    Any poetry about being a high-value woman
  • Relationship
    How did you behave as an HVW in a relationship (platonic & romantic)
  • Self-improvement
    Share your hustles, your self-growth experiences and what you have learned through life.


Here are some prompts you can choose from because I know how hard it might be to think about the topics:

  • What did you do to gain your confidence? Have you ever lose your confidence, and you manage to get it back?



High-Value Women

Currently writing a memoir• I write about JESUS, life lessons, health, relationships & self-improvement•Featured in Thought Catalog & Elephant Journal🇵🇭🇨🇦