How to be Sustainable in the Kitchen

Felicia Harder
High Vibes Media
Published in
4 min readSep 23, 2020

The anxiety of global warming is inevitable. There is so much plastic in our oceans, inhumane farming methods, and corporations are continually emitting excessive pollution on Earth.

It’s difficult to justify how you can make a sustainable difference in the world when it seems so out of your control. However, in an attempt to make a change you have to start small and evaluate what you can control, such as your kitchen. Assessing the products you use and what you consume is one step in becoming eco-conscious.

Is Your Cup of Coffee Sustainable?

A common drink most people consume is coffee. There are many ways to make a pot of coffee such as pour-over, french press, or a Moka pot. Single-use items, such as K-Cups, are the worst options for our environment because they end up in the landfill and cannot be recycled. Although paper filters may seem the better option; paper mills use huge amounts of water and energy, they tend to be big polluters, and do not use recycled paper. The best solution is to invest in a steel filter, a hemp cloth filter, or a french press or Moka pot! Investing in items that can be reliable for the long-run makes a difference for our environment and on your wallet.

Me Mindful of What You Eat.

“The majority of our meat in the US doesn’t come from small, family-owned farms, but from corporate-owned factory farms that cause a host of other problems in addition to generating emissions.”-Green America Magazine

Eating meat has a huge carbon impact on our environment. Meat-eaters are responsible for 1.5 more tons of greenhouse gases than vegans per year. It is important to realize how much meat you consume in a day in comparison to fruits and vegetables. Vegetarian and Vegan diets produce 49.6% fewer greenhouse gas emissions and need about 26.9% less energy for food production.

Eating more plant-based meals will have a major effect on reducing the carbon footprint. According to research, substituting red meat for chicken is also efficient in reducing carbon footprint-in fact it is reported to reduce the greenhouse emissions in half!

Choose Natural Cleaning Products

Natural cleaning products are an “eco-clean” way to disinfect your house. Standard cleaning products contain ingredients such as ammonia, perchloroethylene, formaldehyde, and chlorine that have a negative impact on your health and the environment. It pollutes the air and water resources. It can cause respiratory issues and irritation in the eyes.

It is best to utilize safe, biodegradable, non-toxic products made with sustainable packaging. Be mindful that most surface cleaners do not disinfect. For a safe and natural disinfector, I suggest using vinegar. Vinegar is an acetic acid that can be used as an effective disinfectant — it kills salmonella, E. coli, mold, and mildew. You can mix vinegar with water or create a more abrasive cleaner mix it with baking soda and salt.

The changes you can do in your daily life can greatly impact your health, home, finances, and the global environment. Remember, as a consumer you have the power to make better choices for our Earth. The small actions you do will have a ripple effect in making eco-conscious living a norm. In order to change anything. You have to change something.

Written By: Felicia Harder, @heyfeliciaharder

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