Four-legged purr-sonality is a big hit with Petersfield shoppers and traders

Tom Orde
Highbury Journalism News
2 min readNov 7, 2018
It’s a tough life: Tigs taking a break in Roswells.

A Petersfield resident has grown tabby somewhat of a local celebrity, proving furry popular with residents and businesses alike.

Tiggs is a male, camel and white coloured cat and can be described as lovely, fluffy and very friendly.

He moved to Petersfield along with his owner Diane Botterill in May and has since made quite an impression.

Diane decided to create a Petersfield Pulse site called ‘Tigs of Petersfield’ after receiving a series of positive comments about Tigs on her personal Facebook page.

He’s now enjoying a mewment of fame with his page now boasting 550 members.

Diane said: “The people of Petersfield love and welcome him and I’ve even had people coming into town to see if they can see him. Personally, I’ve made lots of friends through my lovely cat. The response to his page has been amazing.”

Tigs has a big purrsonality and has quickly settled into the Petersfield community making friends wherever he goes.

During the day Tigs is known to frequent Costa Coffee for bowls of milk and often visits people at their homes and businesses.

Cate Rolison of Butterflies Lingerie said: “My son has fallen madly in love with Tigs. He often visits us here at the shop. We even had him in the fitting room looking at himself in the mirror. He’s a gentleman.”

When feline exceptionally sociable Tigs even enjoys the Petersfield nightlife.

Barman, Kieran Brown of The George said: “He was in here on Saturday night a few weeks ago. We wanted to adopt him.”

For photos of Tigs please visit:

