Hair today, gone tomorrow

Highbury Journalism News
2 min readDec 20, 2018

A bank worker has donated her hair to provide a wig for children suffering from cancer.

Sue Chafe before and after the haircut

Susan Chafe, who works in NatWest, has been growing her hair for years to donate it to The Little Princess Trust.

The Little Princess Trust provides real hair wigs to children and young adults up to the age of 24, who have lost their own hair due to cancer treatments, and other illnesses.

Sue has been involved in raising money for cancer charities for a long time. It is something which is important to her because her dad and sister were both affected by the disease.

However just raising money for cancer charities was not enough, so Sue decided to do something more, saying: ‘I want to give my hair to some child who needs it.’

By donating her hair to the Little Princess Trust, she feels that she is giving children affected by cancer their self-confidence back and helping them to complete their treatment and make a full recovery.

The haircut, done by a hairdresser from Mawson and Company, was live-streamed on Facebook and recorded for everyone working at the bank to see. It was completed on the main floor of the bank to fully raise awareness of the charity.

Sue said: ‘I think it is great to raise awareness of a charity like this. Just last week a customer said she would grow her hair out and donate it.’

If Sue has raised over £250, NatWest will give the same amount to the charity. So far Sue believes she has raised in excess of £200, through her Justgiving page and donations at the bank.

The hair cut off will be sent to the charity and made into a wig for someone. Unfortunately Sue will not know who gets the wig made out of her hair due to confidentiality reasons. But she will get a certificate for donating her hair.

