Horsham councillors criticised for poor attendance

Sophie Christian
Highbury Journalism News
3 min readJan 4, 2019
Horsham District Council

Councillors at Horsham District Council have been criticised for poor attendance with almost a fifth failing to attend over half of meetings.

Josh Murphy (Conservative, Horsham Park) had the worst attendance record this year at 14%.

Councillor Murphy was expected to appear at 21 meetings and managed to get to three. He was unavailable for comment when asked why he had the lowest attendance.

Local resident Adrian Mailer, an accountant, said: “I’ve been a local parish councillor and you have to question people if they are not turning up.

“You are there representing people who have elected you and for the size of Horsham you need to hold your own responsibility and accountability.”

Janice Paynter, who is retired, said: “A councillor should put in the hours they are meant to do and I think we should be able to fire a politician.

“For politicians who do their job it is wrong that someone is not showing up to do their job.”

Last year, councillor Murphy had the second-worst attendance at 20% as he was expected to attend 30 meetings and appeared at six. The councillor with the worst attendance in 2017 was Connor Relleen at 19%.

Councillor Josh Murphy

Horsham District Council expects members to appear at every full council meetings and all planning meetings.

A Horsham District Council spokesperson said: “All the statistics are based on meetings that take place in Horsham town and for some attendance can mean up to an hour’s round journey while for others it is geographically much easier to be at meetings.

“It should also be noted that various councillors have been unwell over prolonged periods which has impacted on their physical attendance at meetings.”

Connor Relleen (Independent, Horsham Park) had the second-worst record at 20% this year. He was due to attend 20 meetings and made four.

He said: “Formal meetings often have little relevance to one’s ward, or divide on preordained party political lines.

“Much of my hard work is carried out in direct consultation with residents and officers on the issues that most impact them. Many residents would attest to the big difference I make on those issues and many others.”

Councillor Jonathan Dancer (Conservative, Roffey North), who has the third-worst attendance, came to 28% of meetings. He was not available for comment.

Councillor Alan Britten (Conservative, Roffey North) refused to comment when asked why his attendance was the fourth-worst at 46%.

John Chidlow (Conservative, Southwater), who came to 47% of meetings, refused to comment.

The only councillor achieving 100% attendance was Brian Donnelly (Conservative, Pulborough and Coldwaltham). He said the “voters rightly expect” good attendance.

He added: “Many councillors are retired, which makes it easier for them to attend meetings. However, we have two members who take annual leave in order to attend their planning committee meetings.”



Sophie Christian
Highbury Journalism News

Training journalist at Highbury College. UEA graduate. Tennis lover 🎾. ‘All views my own’