Quiz success for unlucky number 13

Highbury Journalism News
2 min readOct 22, 2018

The number 13 is unlucky for some, but not for these quiz winners.

Home-Start’s April Chidgey with sponsors John and Jonathan Poulter from Rothmans picking out winning raffle tickets

The Home-Start Winchester & Districts Annual Quiz, held at Itchen Abbas Village Hall, supports the local division of Home Start, the family support charity.

The money raised from the event will go to train volunteers who befriend vulnerable and struggling families around Winchester.

This year’s quiz was a little different with organisers choosing to name the teams by table number and not by a name.

The winners, Table 13, took home bottles of champagne presented to them by father and son, John and Jonathan Poulter. Both men are partners at Rothmans, which sponsored the evening.

The Winning team and celebratory champagne presented by John and Jonathan Poulter

The quiz was tough, with participants pondering questions such as the title of the book carried by John Lennon’s assassin. And the current name of the north London tube station changed from Gillespie Road in the 1930s. The Catcher in the Rye and Arsenal respectively.

Liz Cooper, an organiser of the event and chairwoman of Home-Start Winchester and Districts, said: ‘Our quiz night has become a popular event in the autumn calendar for many people. We all enjoyed a delicious hot supper as well as huge entertainment as we pondered some of the answers.

‘More seriously as statutory funding has been cut, our essential work supporting young families can only continue because of voluntary fundraising. Many of them struggle with a variety of complex needs including disabilities, multiple births, mental health issues, redundancy or social isolation. We are so grateful not only to our sponsors but also to the generous local businesses who provided some amazing raffle prizes and helped boost the profits of the evening.’

