A passion for plastic: reducing one-use waste across the country

Lauren Wise
Highbury Journalism News
3 min readOct 2, 2018
Laura Hayward, 36 at the Refill and Replenish stall in Waterlooville
Refill and Replenish

Two local entrepreneurs have started a new business in the hope of reducing one-use plastic waste.

Refill and Replenish is a new business venture for two local women who hope that bringing awareness to their company will encourage the public to think more about the plastic waste they are creating and what they can do to tackle it.

Alice Hooley, 36, from Emsworth, and Laura Hayward, 36, from Waterlooville, met through a local networking group named Start Up Disruptors, where they found they both shared the common goal of reducing plastic waste. The two have now formed their own self-funded business, selling products at a local market stall.

Alice said: ‘I watched Blue Planet at the start of the year and was pretty horrified about the state of the oceans.

‘Being someone that lives near the sea, I walk my dogs there and all you see is plastic along the shoreline. Laura was already thinking about doing something to tackle this.

‘I wanted to go on a crusade.’

On the topic of inspiration, Laura added: ‘I had some personal events that made me realise that life is too short to not follow your passions.

‘It made me rethink about what I wanted to do with my career and the environment has always been my passion.’

The two women met over coffee in May and, after realising they got along and worked together well, they began planning their venture.

Alice said: ‘There was initially ideas for a shop, but we later decided on a stall that enabled us to move around and be mobile.’

After planning since June, the ladies launched last week at Petersfield Market where they were met with a warm reception from the locals.

They offer a variety of products such as metal straws, shampoo and conditioner bars and many foods in reusable containers.

It was clear the ladies had vast ideas for the business, with both discussing the plans for a delivery or pick up service.

Alice: ‘We hope it will get to a pre-order and pick up service like you do with the big supermarkets. We’d like to be somewhere where people grab their box for the week and head off.

‘For now we obviously want to offer a really good service, so it’s a balancing act between offering a good, quality service and meeting as many people as we can.

‘I don’t think the issue of single use plastic is going away and we want to help reduce this.’

Refill and Replenish currently operates every Friday at Waterlooville Market from 9–4 and every Wednesday in Petersfield Market from 9–3.

