WW1 Tommy statue unveiled in Havant

Adam Nixon
Highbury Journalism News
1 min readNov 10, 2018

Havant Borough Council has unveiled a permanent statue, known as ‘Tommy’, in aid of the 100 year anniversary of WW1.

The Mayor of Havant, along with armed forces members and Cllr Ken Smith next to ‘Tommy’

The metal figure is the outline of a lone soldier, which in in support of the ‘There but not there’ campaign.

The unveiling took place at the Public Service Plaza, Civic Centre Road, Havant, which included a short ceremony and speeches by many councillors and armed forces members.

Mayor of Havant, Councillor Peter Wade, said: ‘Unveiling the Tommy is really good, we should definitely do more of this.’

A large Remembrance Day parade is taking place on Sunday, November 11, starting at the Royal British Legion, Brockhampton Lane at 10.15am.



Adam Nixon
Highbury Journalism News

Trainee journalist at Highbury College, in association with Portsmouth News.