How Runtime Verification (RV) Shapes Software, Science, and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Loay Aladib, Ph.D.
Higher Degree Research Insights
9 min readApr 26, 2024

In today’s fast-changing world of software engineering, making sure software works reliably, accurately, and safely is tremendously important.

But sometimes traditional tests miss tricky problems that show up while the software is executing. That’s where runtime verification (RV) steps in. It’s like a super-powered guardian that watches over the software while it’s running, catching any sneaky errors or weird behaviors as they occur.

One area where RV shines is in scientific simulations and experiments. RV techniques can check the behaviour of complex scientific models in runtime, detecting deviations and ensuring the accuracy of simulation results.

RV in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) development plays an essential role in ensuring the reliability and safety of its algorithms. As AI systems learn, get smarter, and become more independent, it’s promising to see how crucial it is to check up on the system’s behavior as it’s running. That’s where RV techniques come in handy — they’re like detectives, spotting any glitches or risks in AI algorithms.

Together, we’ll clear the path for a time when software accuracy and dependability are fundamental to the digital era.

What is Runtime Verification (RV)?

RV is like a watchdog for software. It’s a method of scrutinize a software system behaviour during execution to ensure it follows certain rules or requirements.

Unlike traditional testing, which rely on pre-defined test cases. RV checks the program as it runs in real time. This means it detect errors, rule violations, or any unexpected actions as they happen.

In simpler terms, let’s break down RV into two definitions:

Definition 1: RV is a field of computer science focused on verifying whether a system behaves correctly while it’s running. This involves studying, developing, and applying techniques to check if a system meets certain exactitude criteria during its execution. It primarily focuses on detecting violations or confirmations of exactitude properties without directly influencing the program’s execution. Thus, when a violation is detected, it usually doesn’t change how the program runs or tries to fix the issue.

Definition 2: RV gives software a stacked of protection. It actively watches over the program as it runs, making sure it follows the rules and meets the requirements set for it. Since it ensures the software behaves correctly and reliably even when faced with unexpected challenges during execution.

One key point of RV is the ability to offer detailed insights into how a system behaves while it’s running. Unlike creating models that demand redoing the entire system in a specific language, RV offers this without hassle.

Moreover, RV is an efficient monitoring method which is possible to execute an online verification of a system. Enabling the reaction to unforeseen events such as the propagation of a failure on safety-critical systems.

When to use Runtime Verification (RV)?

Imagine you’re trying to make sure a system works perfectly. You use fancy techniques like model checking or theorem proving, which are like testing it against a model version instead of authentic. But here’s the thing: the real system might behave a bit differently.

Sometimes, we only know so much about a system when it’s running. Like, we might be using code from a library without knowing exactly how it works. That’s where RV comes to the rescue.

And you know those times when a system’s behaviour depends a lot on its surroundings, but we don’t have all the details. It’s tough to test properly then!

RV tackles these challenges better than regular testing methods and guarantees everything runs smoothly, especially in systems where security or safety is vastly important.

So, it works hand in hand with theorem proving, model checking, and testing to give us that extra peace of mind.

Techniques and Approaches

Let’s break down the techniques and approaches used in RV:

  • Runtime Monitoring: This involves adding special tools to the software to watch how it behaves while it’s running. These tools check if the software breaks any rules or properties as it executes.
  • Property Specification Languages: These are formal languages used to describe the properties that we want the software to follow. They offer a structured way to express what we expect from the system.
  • Dynamic Analysis Techniques: These, like code instrumentation and trace analysis, allow us to extensively study the behaviour of the software while it’s running. They help us analyse how the program behaves in real-time.

Real-World Applications

Let’s dive into some practical uses of RV:

  • Scientific Data Analysis
Photo by Maxim Hopman on Unsplash

In scientific fields like genomics and neuroscience, researchers analyze vast amounts of data to glean insights. RV techniques are like diligent assistants, constantly overseeing the execution of data analysis algorithms by detecting errors.

  • AI Algorithm Verification
Photo by Alex Knight on Unsplash

Algorithms powering AI-driven applications like autonomous vehicles and medical diagnosis systems can be complex.

In the automotive industry, think of a self-driving car system where AI algorithms handle making decisions based on the sensor data to navigate safely. RV techniques can be used to check the decision of these algorithms.

For instance: RV can check if the car’s decision-making process passes the safety rules during the actual operation on the road to ensure security and reliability.

Moreover, in the healthcare industry, AI algorithms are widely used for medical diagnosis and treatment recommendations.

For instance, RV checks the correctness of the system to ensure it has exacted and prompt diagnoses, where informed decisions are made about patient care.

  • Cloud-based Services
Photo by Sean Pollock on Unsplash

Picture cloud computing as a bustling digital city where countless applications and services run. RV acts like a vigilant guard, constantly watching over these services to ensure they run smoothly, securely, and adhere to performance standards. For instance, it actively checks behavior, swiftly finding and addressing glitches or issues as they arise.

  • Workflow Management
Photo by Jakub Żerdzicki on Unsplash

Think of workflow systems as choreographers orchestrating tasks in various industries like finance, healthcare, and manufacturing. RV steps in as the backstage manager, ensuring every step of the process unfolds correctly and efficiently. By monitoring workflow execution in real-time, it quickly flags any deviations from the script, alerting the team to act and support smooth operations.

  • Safety-Critical Systems
Photo by Maxim Hopman on Unsplash

Consider industries where safety is paramount, such as aviation or medical devices. RV ensures that these systems run safely and according to regulations. For instance, in the automotive sector, it’s used to keep an eye on autonomous vehicles, ensuring they follow safety rules and function as intended. Similarly, in aerospace or medical devices, RV plays a crucial role in ensuring safety and compliance with industry standards.

  • Cybersecurity
Photo by Dan Nelson on Unsplash

In today’s world, cybersecurity is a major concern. RV plays a crucial role in spotting any unusual activity or security threats as they happen. For instance, financial institutions can easily detect suspicious transactions or unauthorized access attempts, protecting sensitive customer data and preserving trust in digital financial services.

Challenges and Limitations

Let’s take a closer look at some of the hurdles and limitations that come with RV:

  • Overhead and Complexity: Like any superhero, RV comes with a bit of baggage. The monitoring and analysis, it requires can add extra weight to the software, slowing things down a bit. Plus, when dealing with large and intricate systems, scalability becomes a bit of a juggling act.
  • Expressing Complex Properties: Think of RV as a language interpreter trying to decode a complicated script. Expressing and verifying complex properties within the software can be like navigating through a maze. It takes careful planning and precision to ensure everything runs smoothly.
  • Integration Challenges: RV is like a puzzle piece which is trying to fit into the larger picture of software development. Integrating technology seamlessly into the development process needs skill and strategic thinking. It’s like finding the ideal position for that missing puzzle piece to complete the picture without breaking the entire process.

Tools and Frameworks

Think of these tools as the trusty Swiss Army knives of the software realm. Each one comes with its own special set of tools to help us tackle the task of RV.

They come packed with goodies like specialized languages for defining properties, libraries for monitoring software in real-time, and even nifty visualization tools to help us make sense of all the data.

  • Take RV-Match as an example. It’s like the Sherlock Holmes of RV, sniffing out any irregularities in your code with precision.
  • Then there’s JaVerT, the trusty sidekick, always ready to lend a hand in ensuring your software behaves as expected.
  • Let’s not forget about Java PathExplorer, the mapping expert. Guiding us through the labyrinth of runtime behaviour with ease.

And many more, with these tools in hand, we’re equipped to tackle the challenges of RV and ensure our software runs smoothly and securely.

Best Practices

Let’s uncover some tried-and-true methods for seamlessly integrating RV into the software development journey:

  • Choose Wisely: It’s like picking the right ingredients for a recipe. To check the software effectively during its runtime, developers should carefully select the proper properties they want. Just as a chef selects the freshest produce, choosing the most relevant properties ensures effective monitoring without overwhelming the system.
  • Keep it Light: Nobody likes to have a heavy backpack on a hike. Similarly, developers ought to try to minimize the performance penalty associated with RV.
  • Stay in the Loop: RV can be considered as a team player in the software development game, which is a key step to seamlessly integrate it into the continuous integration and deployment pipeline.

Future Trends

As we envision the future, the field of RV holds promising advancements and innovations. We might see things like using machine learning for automatic property inference and anomaly detection.

Using RV in innovative technologies like blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), and cyber-physical systems, and creating better, more efficient verification methods tailored for distributed and decentralized architectures.


In conclusion, that’s where RV comes into play: in helping us make the software we develop more reliable by catching up with errors that have been hard or impossible to foresee before the system is running. It uses ultramodern monitoring technology to detect when a property that must necessarily be held is violated.

As a result, all software developers should become familiar with RV, its techniques, applications, and pitfalls, and use it to build more secure and reliable software systems.

As technology gets more complex and powerful, which it does — e.g., self-driving cars and intelligent medical devices. RV will increasingly become necessary to keep the dependability and security of our digital world.


[1] Havelund, K., & Rosu, G. (2018). An overview of runtime verification. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 51(4), 1–36.

[2] Leucker, M., & Schallhart, C. (2009). A brief account of runtime verification. Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming, 78(5), 293–303.

[3] Bartocci, E., & Falcone, Y. (Eds.). (2019). Runtime Verification: 9th International Workshop, RV 2018, Oxford, UK, September 12–13, 2018, Proceedings. Springer.

[4] Havelund, K., & Rosu, G. (2019). Introduction to runtime verification. In Runtime Verification (pp. 1–22). Springer, Cham.

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Loay Aladib, Ph.D.
Higher Degree Research Insights

Passionate HDR Candidate & Lead Developer | Published Author | Exploring the Intersection of Technology and Academia at UOW