“Those kids in college.”

Julie Peller
Higher Learning Advocates
3 min readMar 14, 2022

“Those kids in college.”

That was the refrain that needed to change. As long as members of Congress, members of the media, and higher education leaders considered college students “kids,” federal policymaking would remain detached from the reality that students were facing and we’d fail to dramatically increase postsecondary attainment across the country and, more importantly, students’ likelihood of success.

In 2014, while serving as Lumina Foundation’s federal policy director, my colleagues and I launched a campaign to raise awareness of who today’s student is — working, parenting, a student of color. To say “college kids” is to not see students for all they are.

Our aim was to change that picture in members of Congress’ minds and shift who they thought was on campus. They weren’t non-traditional, post-traditional, or the students of tomorrow- today’s students are already on campuses across this country, and we aimed to normalize the diversity of today’s student population.

When launching HLA three years later, progress had been made- we were beginning to hear about working students as much as the “kids,” but there was more to be done. Advancing the cause of today’s students is our work because too many students are not being served well by the systems and structures that were built for a very different type of student. And because we believe in practical, bipartisan, and systemic change so that all students have a chance to succeed.

Today, as HLA turns 5, I am proud to say that by putting the student — not the institutions and existing structures — at the core of our agenda, we have made significant progress on the policy changes needed to ensure that higher education can serve all of today’s students, not just those who fit a traditional mold.

That means that we prioritize advancements in supporting today’s students’ needs outside of “tuition and textbooks.” Students cannot be expected to succeed in their studies if they are hungry, homeless, or cannot get to class. We are proud to have spearheaded policy initiatives that provided broadband access, transportation reforms, and emergency assistance to students- especially in the difficult and trying years of the COVID-19 pandemic.

That means that we examine issues of quality and value. Today’s students are investing scarce resources and time into higher education. It is incumbent that there is a policy infrastructure to ensure that institutions and programs meet students’ needs, that outcomes are transparent, and that governing systems drive improvement.

And, that means that we invest time into building deep and intentional partnerships with a broad range of organizations and stakeholders that share our goal of improving the lives of today’s students through access to an equitable and supportive higher learning system. We are particularly thankful for and proud of the impact of the Today’s Students Coalition- a growing group of more than 30 organizations that have come together to advocate for policy change for today’s students.

By the very nature of the students we work for, it is often impossible to separate out the interests of various types of students. Parenting students are often working students. Student veterans are often returning adult students. Our work in partnership with a wide range of organizations, most notably through the growing Today’s Students Coalition, enables us to cross-pollinate support and action for policy advancements.

As HLA continues our work focused on today’s students, we are very aware that many of today’s students may not even consider themselves students at all. They are foremost parents, spouses, employees, adults. But, to us- they are learners, and they are students. At the community college, in the job training programs, and finishing bachelor’s degree programs, today’s students’ journeys are as varied as their backgrounds, and they must be equally supported.

We are so thankful for our board, staff, partners, and supporters over the last 5 years. We have exciting announcements in the coming weeks and months as we continue our growth and advocacy for today’s students. If you are not already, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter for more to come!

Do you have a favorite memory for HLA as we celebrate our 5th anniversary? If so, please share and help us celebrate here!



Julie Peller
Higher Learning Advocates

Executive Director of @HigherLearnADV. Higher ed policy wonk. Mostly #highered, #federalpolicy, & #todaysstudents. Sometimes life w/ two little boys.