Can a Marriage be Open and Committed?

Enquiring Minds Want to Know….

Sam & Kate
Highest Happiness


Photo by Isaac Quesada on Unsplash

Funny how things bubble up when you’re thinking about them. The dreaded think about buying a red car or a Ford Ranger, and next thing ya know, they’re everywhere. Does that phenomena have a name? Either way…

Kate and I have been talking about this post for a couple of weeks now, and the broad themes of what we want to talk about keep popping up in different podcasts, and a bit more abstractly in general life.

By way of an introduction if you’re reading us for the first time……Kate and I are a married couple in our 50’s whose relationship is Ethically Non-Monogamous (ENM). We’re swingers, our marriage is open; we have sex with other people. We’re in a committed relationship, and somewhere on the polyamorous spectrum; Kate has a boyfriend and is a Hotwife. It’s neither of our first marriages. We met in an AA meeting; we’re each more than a decade sober now. If you’re curious about how this all works, we talk about our relationship in varying degrees of depth in other posts. We have an email address listed in our “about” page if you would like to contact us.

In case you haven’t figured it out yet, our answer is 100% yes; a marriage can be open and committed. We’d make the case that what one or both partners do with their sex organs, or with their…



Sam & Kate
Highest Happiness

We’re a happily married couple who are ethically non-monogamous and long term sober. We live on a couple acres in the northeast with Clifford The Wonder Dog.